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Storing Images and Object Pooling

i think. I think it will be good if you make object pooling for every class.We dont know about your codes but i think it will be very good if you make object pool. kadirbasol Kadir BASOL object pooling. To use object pooling more 

Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

was trying to build wrapper object ProductTO that contains only fields that I need in listing ... all that objects and load their content on demand. ODB is running as server and I'm using loopback ... . The funny thing is that in log from query manager fetchSize is like all objects in database:

Object belongs to another EntityManager - ERROR

) Failed to commit transaction: Object 'pbdmodel.impl.OrgJedinicaImpl#8' belongs ... ) Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Object 'pbdmodel.impl ... : com.objectdb.o.UserException: Object 'pbdmodel.impl.OrgJedinicaImpl#8' belongs

Delete object from collection versus delete from JPQL

if there is a bi-directional relationship between the objects in memory and ObjectDB.  I know I can modify the objects and use persist() to write them to the database.  But does running a JPQL update or delete alter the in-memory objects? There are cases where the JPQL syntax

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

persisting modified objects to database. Sometimes it does other times it doesn't. Objects very well and have a sequencial integer as the primary key. But of all the file ... of that string and use it as the ID. This gives me a String object that is always a 40

Is ObjectDB the only object database that supports JPA?

Other Object database doesn't support JPA?   Manikandan ManikandanPalaniappan JPA is designed as an API for Object Relational Mapping (ORM), so many JPA features cannot be supported by regular object databases. For example, user defined

Accessing objects to make them available after EntityManager close?!

Hi, I would like to get all the instances of an entity object. So I wrote ... of entity objects? Many thanks mmmndt2015 Thi Nguyen Closing the EntityManager changes the state of the managed object to

Question: remove and recreate an object, do the references survive ?

We want to move unused objects to a second database. We want to copy the objects and delete them in the production database. If we then recreate the objects with the same primary key as it has been before, do the references from other objects survive this (assuming

Navigation through lazy loading from Detached Objects

A main limitation of detached objects (as explained on the Retrieval by navigation from detached objects ... . As explained on the Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink

Cannot insert more than about 2^20 objects

reach 1048565 total objects in the whole DB, i am unable to insert more object, although i ... notice that 1048565 objects + 4 entities + 4 ID indexes + 4 other indexes = 1048577 = 1+2^20 ... ------------------------- Creating a database copy... .................................................. 1000000 objects