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Spring Transactions (@Transactional) within ObjectDB

. This was working well with ORM - Hibernate when used with Spring Data / JPA ... how to FlushModeType.AUTO in ORM.xml we are not doing any annotations over our entity. Thanks in advance

Suggestion for improving the examples

database, silently ignores @Table and other orm">ORM annotation

Can a Set be a foreign key?

/annotations/orm">ORM annotations are ignored by ObjectDB, therefore the @ForeignKey

Java 9 support

">org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.AbstractJpaVendorAdapter class? Could it cause ... " to see), etc.  Since "org.springframework.orm.jpa vendor.AbstractJpaVendorAdapter" is a requirement by

Exporting the data out of the ObjectDB

and then using some kind of ORM or direct JDBC persist them to relational store ? Thank you.

Removing objects where ManyToMany relationships exist

slower. On update - they may be slightly faster, mainly if they are very big. Notice, that with ORM

JPA inheritance issue with ObjectDB - Field not found in type error

> caused the issue as ObjectDB ignores this ORM annotation. So the cause might be more complicated

Spatial Support

classes (e.g. in an orm.xml file) support Support

InternalError on query of empty database

.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.springframework.orm.jpa

Java 8 Enhancer Problem

.objectdb.JEnhancerAgent.transform( at org.springframework.orm.jpa