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joining of tables

Hi In objectdb site i found :Note: This ORM/SQL annotation is silently ignored by ObjectDB so i want  join tow table and generate a third table. Ex:  table 1: employee    table 2: address  and the generate

@Column length is not working.

the below project and objectdb file. Deepak_1996 Deepak Kumar Maharana ORM annotations

Activation Issue

.Method.invoke( at org.springframework.orm.jpa.SharedEntityManagerCreator

Problem with @UniqueConstraint

class="code">@UniqueConstraint is an ORM annotation. It references RDBMS columns

Set timeout for BatchQueryItr

> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ( ) org.springframework.orm.jpa

WebSphere Liberty Configuration

. As noted on orm/3.5/api/org/hibernate

Issue with compile time enhancement

-INF/orm.xml</mapping-file> <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-unlisted

Performance in large transactions

Collections  One of the differences between ObjectDB and ORM JPA is the ability of ObjectDB

JDO PersistenceManager.getSequence() returns null sometimes

When using JDO without annotations, database sequences are normally defined in the ORM file. Following discussion on the forum I was told that ObjectDB supports sequences if specified in the JDO file. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be supported consistently. It appears to work

ObjectDB 2.4.5

file extending. Fixed a bug in ignoring global cascade persist in an ORM file.