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Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

anyway also when using ORM JPA implementations. Since you didn't publish your classes

Indexing a field results in internal Exception

to use much metadata in either of them, so you can stay with JPA and just remove the ORM metadata

Global way to set Lazy-loading fetch functionality for all the fields

(orm.xml).   For defining fetch policy, I know the local way

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> <

@AttributeOverrides , and postgresql + own TYPE

>There is no reason for you to be surprised. Asking for advice about ORM problems in an object

Web Framework Recommendation for leveraging JPA + ObjectDB

Framework (Java); it leverages the JPA standard, but seems to be tied somehow into the Hibernate ORM

Data migration from SQLServer to ObjectDB

Hi, could someone recommend a good tool to use for data migration from SQLServer to ObjectDB. irene05 irene lan Unfortunately there is currently no such automatic tool. Using a JPA ORM library (e.g. Hibernate or EclipseLink) you can write your own conversion

@Column( name = "columnName") doesn't work

> Harman Alexander Golyshkin ORM/SQL annotations are silently ignored by ObjectDB (as indicated

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.springframework.orm.jpa

ObjectDB 2.6.0

Added support of JPA 2.1 persistence.xml and orm.xml formats. Added implementation of equals to JPA Metamodel attributes. Fixed ObjectDB OSGi bundle to support