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Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

Okay, I'll be honest: I thought I am familiar with JPA on top of ORM solutions, but now when moved to ObjectDB I sometimes encounter, let's say, unexpected behavior and I begin to doubt in my JPA-fu. Sometimes I am not really sure if behavior I encounter with ObjectDB is correct or not

Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity ?

be very efficient). I am not sure how ORM JPA implementations handle this. About the slow lazy

Spring LTW Problem

) at com.objectdb.JEnhancerAgent.transform( at org.springframework.orm.jpa

Relationships and tracking changes

ignores ORM annotations such as @Column


="/api/java/jpa/annotations/orm">mapping annotations, including the

On initialisation of lists: impact on migration from EclipseLink to ObjectDB

I would like to draw the attention of those assessing migration from EclipseLink ORM to ObjectDB to a significant difference in the initialization of persistent lists, namely that EclipseLink injects a List implementation into the List field to be initialise it during EntityManager


without LoadTimeWeaver specified at org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.SpringPersistenceUnitInfo

Master database switching to read-only mode, possibly caused by slave failure

.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.springframework.orm.jpa

ObjectDB and Hibernate in one JVM?

data, but I still need some ORM system to access RDBMS. Is it possible to use