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JPA Annotations for Fields

annotations: path="api/java/jpa/annotations/field" select="Basic|Embedded ... annotations (and enum) are designated for enum fields: path="api/java/jpa ... -toc path="api/java/jpa/annotations/field" select="Temporal|MapKeyTemporal|TemporalType">

JPA Miscellaneous

-book-toc path="api/java/jpa/misc" select="PersistenceUtil|PersistenceUnitUtil"> path="api/java/jpa/misc" select="Cache|CacheRetrieveMode|CacheStoreMode ... operations: path="api/java/jpa/misc" select="FlushModeType|LockModeType|PessimisticLockScope">

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

you can simply provide the file path of the ObjectDB database instead: path (absolute or relative) is also accepted. Any string that starts ... which ObjectDB is installed). If no database file exists yet at the given path ObjectDB will try to create

JPA Metamodel API

>The main interface of the JPA Metamodel API is: path="api/java/jpa ... of interfaces and enum types: path="api/java/jpa/metamodel" select="Metamodel ... > path="api/java/jpa/metamodel" select="Bindable">

Chapter 3 - Using JPA

-toc path="java/jpa/persistence" select="Database Connection|Managed Entity Objects"> path="java/jpa/persistence" select="CRUD Operations"> path="java/jpa/persistence" select="Advanced Topics">

JPA Annotations for Relationships

-book-toc path="api/java/jpa/annotations/relationship" select="ManyToMany|ManyToOne|OneToMany ... and fetch policy, using the following enum types: path="api/java/jpa ... (which is calculated by a query) : path="api/java/jpa/annotations/relationship" select

JPA Annotations for Classes

annotations: path="api/java/jpa/annotations/class" select="Entity|MappedSuperclass ... explained in chapter 3): path="api/java/jpa ... >path="api/java/jpa/annotations/class" select="IdClass"> ID

ORDER BY clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

are more restrictive. Path expressions are supported by all the JPA implementations but support for other JPQL ... /CriteriaBuilder/asc_Expression_">asc(c.Path/get_String ... ="/api/java/jpa/criteria/Path/get_String">get("population"))); Unlike other methods

Chapter 4 - JPA Queries (JPQL / Criteria)

>path="java/jpa/query" select="Query API"> The Java ... , FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY): path="java/jpa/query" select="Query ... and criteria query clauses are explained: path="java/jpa/query" select="Query

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

), whose class file is a/b/X.class, is searched in the following paths (in the order ... for class X in the default package is searched in the following paths (in the order shown ... in META-INF, WEB-INF or in any other path at the level of the classes or