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JPA Metamodel API Types

The following interfaces and enum represent types in the JPA Metamodel API:  path="api/java/jpa/metamodel/types"> See the Metamodel Type Interface Hierarchy section for more details and examples.

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

the following pages: path="java/jpa/query/jpql/structure">

CRUD Operations with JPA

The following subsections explain how to use JPA for CRUD database operations: path="java/jpa/persistence/crud">

Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries

have been added in JPA 2 to enable path#entity_type_expressions">selective

General JPA Tutorials

This section includes the following tutorials: path="/tutorial/general">

NetBeans/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

Steps This tutorial consists of the following steps: path="tutorial

JDO External Listeners

The following types can be used to implement external listener classes for JDO lifecycle events: path="api/java/jdo/event/listeners"> Listener objects can be bound to one or more persistence capable classes by invoking the

JDO Miscellaneous Types

This section contains miscellaneous JDO types: path="api/java/jdo/misc">

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

does not exist in that path, a new database file is created automatically. To enable updating

JDO Annotations for Fields

The way a field of a persistable class is managed by JDO can be set by the following annotations and enum types: path="api/java/jdo/annotations/field">