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500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

{ public static void main(String[] args) { String path = "temp.odb ... (path); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - ms; System.out.println("Open " + path + " time: " + ms

Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

/backend/db/$replication/" on the slave; "/usr/test/backend/db/" is the data path and where all the DB's ... ; <temp path="$temp/ObjectDB" threshold="64mb" /> <network inactivity-timeout="0" /> <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="/var/log/test/" max

Replication error on slave restart

; <recording enabled="true" sync="false" path="." mode="write" /> Before ... ; <temp path="$temp" threshold="128mb" /> <network inactivity-timeout="0" /> <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

;       <temp path="$temp" threshold="64mb" />     ... ;          <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb ... ;     <log-archive path="$objectdb/log/archive/" retain="90" />   

Chapter 1 - Quick Tour

. path="java/jpa/getting/started" title="chapter">


/Path" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Path<V> value() Create a path expression that corresponds to the map value. This method ... > Returns: path corresponding to the map value


/Path" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Path<K> key() Create a path expression that corresponds to the map key. Returns: path corresponding to map key


.criteria">ParameterExpression , Path" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Path ,


> , Path" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Path ,

Step 1: Create a Web Project

>button. Follow the instructions and specify the path to Tomcat.