Internal Website Search

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Help with 'not like/lower' query

; stringProp = criteriaBuilder.parameter(String.class); Path<String> path = root ... )){ predicate =, stringProp ... (Operator.NOT_LIKE)){ predicate = criteriaBuilder.notLike(criteriaBuilder.lower(path), stringProp

Performance Issues After Migrating to ObjectDB - Urgent Assistance Required

;                 <temp path="$temp" threshold="2000mb ... " password="true" />                 <log path="$objectdb ... ;     <log-archive path="$objectdb/log/archive/" retain="90" />      

UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions

have sent, to each slave, the file path. With such information I have tried to create ... because ObjectDB doesn't have a permission to create a log file in the default path (as specified in ... log path, or change ObjectDB home, or change the log path by adding your own configuration file.

virtual servers and one file

;   <recovery enabled="true" sync="true" path="." max="6mb" />     <recording enabled="false" sync="false" path="." mode="write" />     <locking version

The server cannot start in CentOS

--> <objectdb> <general>   <temp path="$temp/ObjectDB" threshold="64mb" />   <network inactivity-timeout="0" />   <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" />   <log-archive path="$objectdb/log/archive/" retain

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

path="") but the "log" directory still gets created.  A "log" directory also gets created ... the log path to empty, since apparently the only place in which "log" is specified in ObjectDB as ... ;temp path="$temp/ObjectDb" threshold="64mb" /> <network inactivity-timeout="0" /> <

Connection is closed Caused by:

; <temp path="$temp/ObjectDB" threshold="64mb" /> <network inactivity-timeout="0" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" /> <log-archive path="$objectdb/log/archive/" retain="90" /> <logger name="*" level="info" /> <


>ParameterExpression , Path" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Path ,


a Path" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Path

database corrupt

;    <temp path="$temp" threshold="256mb" />        ... path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" />         <log-archive path="$objectdb/log/archive/" retain="90" />