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Chapter 2 - JPA Entity Classes

classes.  path="java/jpa/entity" title="chapter">

JPA Annotations for Access Modes

Persistence fields can either be accessed by JPA directly (as fields) or indirectly (as properties and get/set methods). JPA 2 provides an annotation and an enum for setting the access mode: path="api/java/jpa/annotations/access">

Advanced JPA Topics

This section discusses advanced JPA topics: path="java/jpa/persistence/advanced">

JPA Annotations for Mapping (ORM)

The following JPA annotations and enums are designated for mapping a JPA object model to a relational database, and are not required by ObjectDB: path="api/java/jpa/annotations/orm"> ObjectDB silently ignores all the above annotations.

Chapter 5 - Database Tools and Utilities

This chapter explains how to use the following ObjectDB tools and utilities: path="java/jpa/tool">

Step 1: Create a Web Project

and specify the path to Tomcat 6 (which has to be downloaded separately) .

Step 1: Create a Java Project

; Java Build Path > Libraries > Add External JARs... The next step

Getting Started with JPA and NetBeans

>This tutorial consists of the following steps: path="tutorial/jpa/netbeans">

JDO Exceptions

JDO exceptions are represented by the following exception classes: path="api/java/jdo/exceptions">

JDO Annotations for Mapping (ORM)

The following JDO annotations and enums are designated for mapping a JDO object model to a relational database, and are not required by ObjectDB: path="api/java/jdo/annotations/orm"> ObjectDB silently ignores all the above annotations.