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Online Backup

;above could generate a backup whose full path is c:\objectdb\backup\201912312359\test ... it represents a path relative to the ObjectDB home directory, and in client-server mode, relative

JPA Annotations for Callback Methods

The following annotations can mark methods as JPA callback methods: path="api/java/jpa/annotations/callback"> The Lifecycle Events section of the ObjectDB Manual explains how to use

Criteria Query Expressions

The following interfaces are in use in representing general expressions in criteria queries: path="api/java/jpa/queries/criteria"> See the Query Expressions section for more details and examples.

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

="/tutorial/jpa/netbeans/spring/controller">controller path: (use the path to objectdb.jar on your computer).

Eclipse/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

-toc path="tutorial/jpa/eclipse/spring">

JPA Web App Tutorial - Maven Project

your IDE: path="tutorial/jpa/web/maven"> NetBeans

Report Generation with BIRT and JPA

of the following steps:  path="tutorial/tool/report/birt">

JDO Reference (JavaDoc)

>The most basic JDO types are: path="api/java/jdo" select="JDOHelper ... >All the other JDO types are organized into the following sections: path="api/java/jdo

JDO Annotations for Index Definition

The following annotations are used to define indexes on persistent fields: path="api/java/jdo/annotations/indexes"> The Index Definition section of the ObjectDB manual explains these annotations in details.

JDO Predefined ID Classes

> path="api/java/jdo/id/classes"> Object IDs are used