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possible index required for improving query performance

possible index required for improving query performance

Monitoring and Performance counters

Monitoring and Performance counters

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense ... . That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and warranties

Database Management Settings

performance by reducing file fragmentation (many resize operations might cause fragmentation of the database ... performance. The max attribute is a hint that specifies the space ... too large, to avoid thread competition that leads to poor performance. The <

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

. The fetch policy, however, does affect performance. Eager retrieval might minimize the round trips to the database and improve performance, but unnecessary retrieval of entity objects that are not in use will decrease performance. The fetch policy also affects objects that become

What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB?

your application performance. Reducing Development Time and Costs Improving Performance performance.

ObjectDB - Object Database for Java (JPA/JDO)

Boost your application database performance. Database performance is critical as it is the bottleneck in most applications.performance and faster applications, especially

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

performance and in some cases can also reduce the amount of Java code needed. Notice that query results ... results. Filtering duplicate results might have some effect on performance, depending on the size

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

) must always be performed within an active transaction. On the other hand, reading from the database ... objects without an active transaction, but in this case changes are only performed in memory ... which case an exception is thrown). Usually the only difference between the two modes is in performance

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

to hundreds of GBs. It has a small footprint, high performance, and a flexible architecture (1-Tier, 2-Tier or ... with relational database concepts and the tables and columns defined for an application in order to perform ... performance. It can store and retrieve thousands of objects per second. Even queries on millions of objects