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101-150 of 200 resultsExtended mapping-definitions of one class in different 'tables'. Please clarify: Is it only for improving performance , or do you also expect a change in functionality? How exactly performance should be improved if the  ... 'tables'. - Yes Is it only for improving performance , or do you also expect a change in functionality | |
Storing a tree of data (depth=3) (I've tried @OneToMany, @Embedded and @ElementList) A role is a performer (I've tried inside that class ... comment out the role part) One intention is that performer finally results in a separate table so I can query the list over all performers . When I'm trying to persist the movie the objectdb complains | |
One transaction or two? objects, and that may also affect performance . I don't expect a large difference but you may want ... overnight and didn't notice any appreciable difference in performance so I think I'm just going ... , performs its transaction and then closes the Persistence Manager. Under heavy load this can happen | |
EM.find() is suddenly slower We have a new performance bottleneck, if we use EM.find() on the same entity type 10.000 times in ... times we cannot see a performance bottleneck. @Entity public class EntityA { @Id @Access (AccessType ... fetch that affects the performance of further operations. Could you please check build 2.8.6_06 | |
Schema Update large refactoring Hello, we want to perform a major refactoring of our package names and hence need ... , if it is possible to perform some sort of wildcard schema update, instead of specifying all the thousands ... , will there be any limit to the number of packages that we can specify? Will the number impact performance | |
Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement can configure an entity-query @EJB with a specific loader that - after the em.find(id) is performed - executes ... /identify this problem, as I did not imagine that performing the load access inside an if statement ... be 'true' in database // Perform some contrived usage here .. } if (lz.getPresent().getValue() != null | |
Occasionally slow requests in load testing We are running load testing against objectdb version 2.3.7_18. The performance is generally OK, however there are quite a few "spikes" in the performance where we are getting a lot of very slow ... to any specific queries. We are running load test with uniform set of queries and the performance is OK | |
OEM: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit (error 1011) class enhancing has indeed been performed . I have this at the entry to my application: public ... ("ObjectDB class enhancing HAS been " + " performed ."); else System.out.format("ERROR! ObjectDB class enhancing has NOT been performed ."); // todo end ... I get the following output when I run | |
virtual servers and one file), there is a massive drop in performance . We have already seen that queries take more than 20 seconds ... of this? We are not aware of this issue (no previous reports). A drop in performance from a few milliseconds ... the entire database but the virtualization space is limited then obviously this can cause a performance | |
Optimization Question which rewriting from scratch might be faster. You may also consider improving performance by: Using ... (and if you can use one transaction for deletion of many updates it can also improve performance ... FYI, a new ObjectDB 2 version that has just been released (2.0 RC3) improves performance of insert | |
On ensuring ID available after persist as the "internal" managed entity), which under EclipseLink it did. Performing em.flush() immediately after em.persist(e) seems to work (although I'm not sure about the performance hit of flushing ... ) is performance considerations. Allocating IDs requires a round trip to the server. By postponing ID | |
Pooling of EntityManagers around a persistence-manager. We start to make them stateless and to increase performance the persistence-managers ... the over-all performance ? sorry for bothering you best regards Arne Arne Arne Stocker As it is usually the case ... the persistence context). However, whether it improves performance or not depends on too many factors | |
Create simple index for a Id field fast inserting the elements, but when it comes to read seems like the performance falls. I ... to perform massive reads? ksii13 E ObjectDB is faster than other DBMS, not just in writing but also in ... your own HashMap cache in memory for specific objects if you need the extra performance . But note | |
In memory processing for ObjectDB speeds very high. We like ObjectDb because its simplicity and the performance benchmarks ... You can use ObjectDB in a pure in memory mode by using a RAM drive . However, high performance ... so the performance is highest avoiding file I/O etc. and even my query performance is greatest. Thanks.   | |
Enhancement Check.objectdb.spi.SignedType support Support Hello, thank you for the hint, it performs . But we figured ... when the exception is thrown. support Support The logging performs , thanks. But every entity class ... the issue! The remaining problems were fixed by performing a proper build of our product. Thanks | |
Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?, all if fine, but performances are weak. Xirt xirt Sylvain Agreed. Note that we have nearly 100% coverage ... performance issue with mapped-by attribute (yeah again :( ). Here is the test case : 1- Create 100 000 ... ". You obtain 1 second max of query fetch. So my performance issue in my application | |
Objectdb recovery (disk)? Can setting sync=true (for recovery) help with this issue, how will be the performance ... , but you may lose some operations that have been performed after that point. Enabling sync reduces the risk of data loss significantly at the possible cost of performance (the exact effect depends | |
Level 2 cache not hit in @ManyToOne performance hit. Problem 2: executing a query that returns User with id 5,6,7 (or any other) takes fresh data ... Chirac The purpose of the L2 cache is to improve performance mainly by minimizing client server round ... without performance penalty. You can change this behavior by setting the "objectdb.result-fetch" query hint | |
ObjectDB Clustering VS Hadoop Hbase of the performance problem. The ObjectDB cluster may be a distributed database, I guess. But I dont know ... does) to support larger databases, but that will come with a price tag of slower performance . In ... is on the slave side only. support Support but that will come with a price tag of slower performance .  | |
Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb? The online backup feature appears to copy the dead space as well so isn't performing ... We are trying to optimize the database size due to the time it takes to perform an online backup ... window of time to perform these backups. We've looked into using the replication strategy | |
A few questions on object database design are easier to perform . Intuitively, I created an entity class called player and stored ... objects improves performance by eliminating the need to persist and retrieve small pieces of data ... , so if you already have tests that check the performance of your application, you should use them to check what is better. support Support | |
Index causes increased memory usage; While this improved query performance considerably, we have noted that our database application ... the temporary file threshold , but that may slow performance . To understand the problem better ... thread pool in order to get good performance for our 8-core server? cvtsc Dev Team If you have 30 | |
Open several objectdb databases the same time-server connections. support Support What about database access performance (read/write speed ... The first process will have the performance of embedded mode and the others will have the performance of server mode, which is slower. support Support Brilliant! I can confirm that using undocumented | |
Should I use ObjectDB and JDO? My application is not meeting required performance because JavaDB appears to be my bottleneck ... keeping current? If they can meet my current needs (EXTREME performance is required) then maybe ... , but they have their market, especially when performance is essential. ObjectDB is here to stay | |
JPA vs JDO - which is more efficient for OneToMany queries? I'm curious about the trade offs between JDO and JPA. Seems to me that JDO will perform better ... of static typing with the JPA version, is there a performance hit? ie: with the JDO version ... .customer) ? If no performance difference, then JDO wins due to static typing, in my view. dmoshal David | |
in-memory and on-disk support? physical memory as cache, so you may find that you get the performance that you need ... ; bensteele Ben Steele Actually, a RAM drive provides excellent performance and because ObjectDB uses ... later is a small additional advantage. It will only help query performance . Purging old data | |
com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ... is not found, for a class that's already been enhanced successfully. Noticing very poor performance from ObjectDB, not exactly sure what the problem is. Tried to implement Enhancement (because the log always says that the classes are not enhanced). The main class ... performance from ObjectDB, not exactly sure what the problem is. Try to isolate the slow performance , e.g | |
Selective merge/cascade of detatched entity promise I haven't changed anything' flag, then to perform the modification, and for things that change ... :// This improved performance by between 5-30%, but this is still significantly slower than I'd hoped. I performed printlns | |
Online backup problem Hi, We are trying to create a servlet that performs database online backup. Unfortunately, even though no exception is thrown, backup files aren't created. When I turn on DEBUG logging in ODB, I ... home directory on db server. I also tried to perform backup from standalone application | |
Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute side). Regarding performance , it may improve performance of adding / removing readers, but traversal from | |
Mismatch client-server protocol prefix Support Do I have to make this change on the server? How does this affect performance ... performance a bit or may not, but if it eliminates the issue it will help for diagnosis. It is definitely | |
Is 2 level cache in use? was modified with: But after few benchmarks I don't really see any difference in performance . ODB ... and then check if it is cached. The L2 cache doesn't always improve performance . It depends on the application | |
version 2.8.9_06 significantly slower for queries compared to 2.8.9 fixed an issue with queries ( issue #2858 ) but had a known query performance regression. It was fixed in version 2.8.9_02 but maybe there is another relevant query performance regression | |
Type xxx is not found (error 301)) 3) use jdo from jpa - is there a performance penalty for unwrapping PersistenceManager.class ... David Moshal 3) use jdo from jpa - is there a performance penalty for unwrapping PersistenceManager | |
Evaluating ObjectDB for SaaS Application of one writer and multiple readers provides better performance because the coordination between the servers ... including better performance , full ACID, richer queries and rapid development. support Support | |
Database Files to the odb file in order to improve the performance . As long as the data is written to the recovery ... ; , but is is expected to decrease the performance . The .odr files are related to the recording | |
High availability and other pratical questions it: As the embedded DB seems to be with superior performance would you recommend using it with TomEE ... mode is faster, so embedding ObjectDB in the main Tomcat server will improve performance | |
CriteriaBuilder.createCriteriaDelete(targetEntity) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder CriteriaDelete createCriteriaDelete ( Class targetEntity ) Create a CriteriaDelete query object to perform a bulk delete operation. Parameters: targetEntity - target type for delete operation Return: the query object Since: JPA 2.1 | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate JPA Interface CriteriaUpdate Type Parameters: - the entity type that is the target of the update Super Interfaces: CommonAbstractCriteria The CriteriaUpdate interface defines functionality for performing bulk update operations using the Criteria API. Criteria API bulk update operations map | |
Best practise loading big data Hello, currently we take some effort to improve the overall performance of our product. ObjectDB is the main data provider within our solution. In the past we often discovered performance problems ... the MyValue object before returning them but we could not see some performance improvement or | |
Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct). For a number of different List fields, a query performed immediately after creating and persisting many Element objects gives expected results, but the same query performed later form a served JSF page ... of createData() I perform an echoed query on all elements and interrogate the ownedElements list, which gives | |
Blocked by find. felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot Actually, this may just be slow performance rather than blocking ... suggestions on how this could be better structured to maximise objectdb performance it'd be appreciated. felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot Extremely slow performance may be the result of using zero size | |
cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283) performance after the configuration change and report as it may have significant effect on speed in ... of recovery failure with lower performance hit. support Support ok hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker our performance monitoring shows that creating of object structures is significantly slower than with the old | |
ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection and unpack, open in NetBeans8.1, perform Clean and Build, and Run: ... (and to benefit from other fixes you have performed ). webel Dr Darren Kelly I appreciate ... Unpack, open in NetBeans8.1, and then perform Build. There is an Ant script with post-compile | |
each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other Zwicker one more sequence (system not more performing ) hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker we increased ... we at around 20% and around 50 threads. When we have the performance issue we are at 80 ... the system return to normal performance between 7:03 and 7:54? and after 7:54? support Support | |
queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6 indicating deep query plan checks and an overall significant performance loss in all queries ... . Decreasing the number of query plans can solve the performance issue in this specific case ... it would be useful (although that change improves performance in other cases). What is the purpose of updating | |
query.getResultList() throws ClassCastException Thank you for this bug report and for the test. Version 2.3.1 fixes the exception. Some performance tips for this test: You can improve persist performance by using smaller transactions (commit ... (because it would consume less RAM). You can improve query performance by retrieving field values rather than entity | |
Database File Encryption. There are options such as using an encrypted file system, but you will pay a performance penalty. This also means that the entire DB is encrypted which is okay, but if performance is an issue ... to be encrypted, so performance for the majority of the system would not suffer, but there are very critical | |
PersistenceCapable.jdoNewInstance(sm,oid) - JDO Method, and jdoFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED. This method is used as a performance optimization as an alternative | |
PersistenceCapable.jdoNewInstance(sm) - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable PersistenceCapable jdoNewInstance ( StateManager sm ) Return a new instance of this class, with the jdoStateManager set to the parameter, and jdoFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED. This method is used as a performance optimization as |