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Performance problem

Hi, we have a strange performance problem with ObjectDB 2.5.3_01 and JBoss 7.1.1. We did a performance analysis ... he 53 record performances degrades significantly. On other queries threshold is different, possible

Performance Issues After Migrating to ObjectDB - Urgent Assistance Required

of Health, Sri Lanka. I am writing to seek your urgent assistance regarding performance issues ... >Current Issue: Despite the migration, we have not seen any improvement in performance ... > We have taken several steps to improve performance, including indexing, query optimization

Performance issue in a query due to compareTo calls

Hello, we have a question again regarding query performance. performance reasons, we use a list instead of a map as ... >You can improve the performance of queries by using indexes but the index step

Query performance in general

Hi ObjectDB team, we are currently investigating performance issues ... for most applications. Are there scenarios you know of, that perform better with bigger page sizes (e.g. if an Entity ... in a query should not affect performance. ObjectDB checks different orders. To use

Java 6/7 Performance Comparison

, there seems to be a bit of a performance gap running the same code between Java 6 & 7 Tracing ... to perform comparably. I've tried running this on a brand new machine as well as my main dev ... noticed any differences in performance so looking for some advice to see if there is something I

Performance tuning, best practices

> - how can we tune for performance ? - do we need more processors ? performance issue is due to load of several concurrent clients, or maybe same slow performance is also for a single user with that specific operation?

Query Execution on parallel threads don't lead to performance improvements

in order to increase the performance. But we don't see any performance improvements. Is there any possibility to improve the query performance with parallel threads? performance, if the serial execution already consumes all the resources.

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

Cloud HIMS is a JSF/JPA (EclipseLink 2.3)/MySQL application designed to capture data in Health Care Centres across Sri Lanka. We've recently migrated to ObjectDB to improve performance. Despite the migration, we're experiencing general performance issues across all transactions. As

Performance question

performance if I create a "mirror" date field in the original entity, removing the need to traverse ... ? Yes. Mirroring the date will improve performance (unless otherobject is embedded object ... and you really need this performance improvement. If you keep the date only in the second

Performance in SELECT statement

performance and provide more details and sample code. support Support The index thing did the trick! Thank you... I will post another thread for the performance issue regards! paddy Patrick Gerhardt