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Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

and has performance consequences when large relationship hierarchies are involved) to ensure the desired ... . 2. Perform the query within a @Stateful session bean with an extended EntityManager as

More Efficient Primary Keys

would you recommend something else? Finally, how much performance improvement would bring ... ). It is unclear if a composite of two longs can produce any performance gain over a single string. support Support

objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "") vs. generic classes with interfaces: detailed investigation

code in objectdb.conf as needed. - Open in NetBeans8.1 and perform Clean and Build.performed in Main at: 61: protected void

locks on pure query activities

the performance of your application, as apparently I/O operations are the bottleneck. It is unclear if this could improve performance of your application but you may want to try

Server vs embedded mode in multi-instance scenario

, there will be about a 50% performance drop from using Server mode to accommodate the <1% of use ... ? The graphs on your site would seem to say otherwise, with such a big performance improvement

A bidirectional OneToOne association with a shared primary key

performance, in many cases managing two unidirectional relationships is more efficient ... > Thanks for the response. In order that I can be sure to obtain the performance advantage

Massive schema update

guess that I am going to have a performance penalty, because ObjectDB is going ... Regars, Pablo. Pablo Berra Pablo Berra The effect on performance of schema update


with the @ElementCollection annotation, but how would this impact the performance, let's say ... would be even stored as a rather long HTML code, wouldn't that severely impact the performance?

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

, the index on the "name" field will also be ignored, and a full scan will be performed instead ... : Performance regression in build 2.8.9_01 (disabling indexes too aggressively) is fixed in build 2.8.9_02. support Support

RDBMS-ObjectDB Replication

that must use an RDBMS for other purposes, but need better performance for specific tasks. For systems that already use JPA - this feature might enable using ObjectDB as a performance booster