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Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

performance of objectdb? The structure of my class is <URI>::=(<sUrl>, <cMark> ... > Sure. You should test the performance of ObjectDB with real data. But if there is a problem

Indexing a field results in internal Exception

I have an application that I have been converting from JPA/MySQL to JDO/ObjectDB and I have hit a problem with indexing. An index on a String field is required to give good performance ... , through JDO1, JDO2, and newer versions, as we have had positive experiences of the performances

Queries are slow on a large database

Hi, I have a 12GB database with 787603 entries. It is much larger than usual and there are performances issues. I am doing small queries ... and the performances are much better. I will try composite index later. However there is one thing I

Bidirectional OneToMany is slow on updated items

that can improve performance dramatically, is to avoid using mapped by collections: If you need to improve performance further, consider

Query becomes slower on moving from ObjectDB 1.x to ObjectDB 2.x

to get at least similar performance for this query with ObjectDB 2.x. Maybe an index is missing? performance problem. Your other question will be moved to a separate forum

Insert time increases as db grows.

performance. Enhancement is very easy. For example, you can apply enhancement by: performance loss over time. support Support Well, I'm using Spring Data JPA, so I'm

Query for objects persisted within the same transaction

, The part about performance in documentation is so true. I think I'll stick with map to check for duplicates, as performance drop is like 20x - just tested. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

NullPointerException when using multithreading

performance may be improved by: Enhancing the code. Using ... Good catch!  ObjectDB is performing very well now that I have adjusted my executor

Referential Integrity

to be disabled by default because reference integrity has a performance overhead. performance at a minimal risk. support Support

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

> felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot I tried the test with JDK 1.5 and had the performance problem as ... almost empty. support Support Agreed - I've split the entity and performance