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Open several objectdb databases the same time

Support What about database access performance (read/write speed) after re-configuring open ... > The first process will have the performance of embedded mode and the others will have the performance

Should I use ObjectDB and JDO?

My application is not meeting required performance because JavaDB appears ... ?  If they can meet my current needs (EXTREME performance is required) then maybe I can live ... are less commonly used than RDBMS, but they have their market, especially when performance is essential. ObjectDB

JPA vs JDO - which is more efficient for OneToMany queries?

will perform better and be statically typed. For example: Assume there are Customers and Orders. with JDO I ... , is there a performance hit? ie: with the JDO version you have essentially an index from the Customer ... with an inverse reference (Order.customer) ? If no performance difference, then JDO wins due to static

in-memory and on-disk support?

that you get the performance that you need also with one database.   support ... excellent performance and because ObjectDB uses a single file (you can disable logging, recovery ... ;advantage. It will only help query performance. Purging old data will have to be done by

com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ... is not found, for a class that's already been enhanced successfully.

Noticing very poor performance from ObjectDB, not exactly sure what the problem is.performance from ObjectDB, not exactly sure what the problem is. Try to isolate the slow performance, e.g. is it related to a specific operation or query? Using entity classes

Online backup problem

Hi, We are trying to create a servlet that performs database online backup. Unfortunately, even though no exception is thrown, backup files aren't created.   I also tried to perform

Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute

performance, it may improve performance of adding / removing readers, but traversal from a document

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

Do I have to make this change on the server? How does this affect performance?performance a bit or may not, but if it eliminates the issue it will help

query.getResultList() throws ClassCastException

. Version 2.3.1 fixes the exception. Some performance tips for this test: You can improve persist performance by using smaller transactions (commit per 50,000 ... less RAM). You can improve query performance by retrieving field values

Database File Encryption

;There are options such as using an encrypted file system, but you will pay a performance penalty.  This also means that the entire DB is encrypted which is okay, but if performance is an issue and only a small ... of data needs to be encrypted, so performance for the majority of the system would not suffer