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Connection performace after upgrade to objectdb 2

Hi, I have performance problems with objectdb 2 when I tried to get the PersistenceManagerFactory and PersistenceManager : In objectdb 1 : performance (more files to look

Is 2 level cache in use?

performance. ODB on server uses the same amount of CPU and memory. I'm calling the same url in ... performance. It depends on the application. Sometimes enabling the L2 cache may slow the application

version 2.8.9_06 significantly slower for queries compared to 2.8.9

performance regression. It was fixed in version 2.8.9_02 but maybe there is another relevant query performance regression that has not been fixed. Changes in versions 2.8.9_03 - 2.8.9_06 are not

find() cost unreasonable time!

relationships - the performance is incomparable. support Support     I ... from one bidirectional relationship to two unidirectional relationships to improve performance.

Type xxx is not found (error 301)

.class) 3) use jdo from jpa - is there a performance penalty for unwrapping ... jdo from jpa - is there a performance penalty for unwrapping PersistenceManager.class ?

Evaluating ObjectDB for SaaS Application

of one writer and multiple readers provides better performance because the coordination between ... other advantages including better performance, full ACID, richer queries and rapid development. support Support

Database Files

to improve the performance. As long as the data is written to the recovery file it can be considered ... ... synchronized="true" />, but is is expected to decrease the performance. The <

High availability and other pratical questions

DB seems to be with superior performance would you recommend using it with TomEE+ instead of creating ... > Embedded mode is faster, so embedding ObjectDB in the main Tomcat server will improve performance

Navigation to Collection Elements

portable (it is an extension of ObjectDB) and it also leads to performance penalty. support ... ">x.array[1][2] ? If such navigations in queries lead to performance penalty

Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST

graph is usually fairly flat before this update.  Perhaps there is some performance tradoff ... this update) and see if there's a performance difference. Trianglehead Json Error Just