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How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

. this is partially cross posted with the eclipse forum. After posting there I thought it would be more appropriate to post here). siegfried siegfried heintze Enhancement  (using com.objectdb.Enhancer or other method) is optional, but improves performance. You may post your tutorial based Eclipse project

Auto Date for Creation and Update

the issue (see format in the posting instructions ), we may be able to look into it. support ... , but only in minimal runnable test cases that isolate the relevant issue. As suggested in post #4 ... program, following the format in the  posting instructions . support Support We are on a point

Index causes increased memory usage

analyzing a heap dump and post information about the main ObjectDB classes that take the heap space ... don't have the numbers with me, but I can post what we discovered using different processing cache ... Hello, As a follow up to your last post I have a few questions that would help

WebService : Failed to get reference value of field using enhanced method

Eugen Please post the complete stack trace including nested exceptions (check the ObjectDB log file ... the class path. If you cannot solve the problem - try to isolate it and to post a simple test case ... tried to use External Objectdb Server, but it doesn't help. I know, there is another post

Unexpeted internal exception

worked correctly. How can i fix this? jrchalaco Roberto Pinto Please post the precise error message and the full stack trace of the error. It would be helpful to read the  posting instructions  to improve the effectiveness of your posts . support Support The application does not show any

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

changed, just ObjectDB.) CBE CBE (P.S.  When I submitted the forum post , I received an ObjectDB ... sense. Anyway, post #8 is only a side note. See #7 for recent status. support Support You are saying ... ", but you explained to me in another forum post that that exception is "normal" and alright

problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

: compile   support Support sorry, that's right, i'm using a central artifactory repository

Why the internal error was thrown?

sporadic in our TestSuite. We observed this problem on a 32BIT OS.  The same compiled export

JRebel integration feature

and other ObjectDB enhancement techniques, just javaagent, compile time enhancement may offer a way ahead

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date

the compiler back to 1.8, deleted, and put objectdb on the classpath, the application

ClassNotFoundException messages in the log file

.java:86) at com.objectdb/com.objectdb.jdo.JdoQuery. compile ( at com.unilogical

Get the last occurence of a list attribut

.persistenceId ASC But it's look like it's not a correct query, the compiler does not like the parentheses

Verify Error with Java 1.7

ObjectDB enhanced classes fail when compiled to Java 1.7 [ObjectDB 2.2.9_08 Enhancer] 28 persistable types have been enhanced: ... com.vaisala.jx.db.gdm.model.SourceType stack trace from jUnit test com.vaisala.jx.db.gdm.facade.BaseFacadeTest  Time elapsed: 0 sec 

Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

Maven-based compile -time enhancement applied to entity modules (only), so I know these checks

Undeployment of an remote Glassfish application locks objectdb log file

; Compile and deploy the WebApplication to an remote Glassfish server. Don't forget to set an admin

significant performance decrease

program cache - no query compilation is needed and a cached query program is used. However the query

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

like a classpath issue. Maybe objectdb.jar is available only in compilation and not at runtime

Project runs in Eclipse but not when exported to runnable jar

the build path, and are present in the compiled file, as is the test GliderCalcs.odb file created by

Password Protect Database File

/etc) so that it's compiled and unreadable. Not sure what you can do about decompiling tools

object creation during pmf.getPersistenceManager()

initializers which are generated by compiler into each constructor so now getting pm is very fast

Possible issue for default id generator

;deliberate. Technically the generator element is defined as optional (and you don't get a compilation error

InternalException - reporting as requested

an exception during query compilation . Could you please check build 2.5.5_12 that may fix the exception

Sorting problem

are not parsed as part of the query when the query is compiled . It is essential for better

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

parameter for an update? Any time that I need to do a bulk update, I need to compile a special

Query performance in general

is that something that the query compiler /optimizer is doing automatically? For example, Entity TestObject has fields id

Enhancement from gradle build file

Just wondering if it's possible to add enhancement in the gradle build file after compilation ? an example of this, for an IntelliJ gradle based project would be very helpful. David   dmoshal David Moshal The following seems to work: task enhance(type: JavaExec) {   main = 'com.objectdb

createQuery method error

: false; } Once I compile it, Error: C:\Users\xxx\xxxxx\vobs\xxxxx\xxxxx\src\main\java\com\xxxx\ xxxx

Should I be able to persist a JFrame (or gui components in general)?

, it all compiles , but I get a runtime error-- Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang

Log4j error

Hi, We are using OBjectDB OEM Enhancer as part of our build process and we encountered following log4j error: compile :      [echo] Start enhancement of ORS entities for use in ObjectDB      [java] log4j:ERROR A "org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator" object

Annotations not supported in -source1.3 (use -source 5 or higher ..)

Netbeans and copied the points package over into it, and added the objectdb.jar library and it compiled

Log is almost empty (log level 'trace')

config file) has only database open/close messages, some query. compiler info but nothing more.. 

NULL prefered in ORDER BY?

. Please fill a feature request if you need this functionality. As as side note, I edited your original post adding 3 styles (for code, for query and for shell output). Please use styles in your future posts . It makes posts much more readable. support Support

query on calendar class

Walezy There are several possible causes of failure mentioned in your post : The {} syntax ... with dates, please post a simple single top class running example (as explained in the posting instructions ) that demonstrates all the issues. support Support

Evaluation License

get a free commercial license? (According to the post below, this might be possible).     Hi ... on 2010-05-03 User Post #144 ouba64 Ouba Mahamane That answer was given in the forum ... , articles, blog posts ), giving lectures, etc." That program is inactive now but if you think

Best practise loading big data

for posting questionable code snippets. I have repaired it. In this scenario the data is only read ... this case properly Kind regards, Rainer Lochmann btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Posts #7 and #8 ... for loops as sketched in post #6. For the next half I would to write something like MyValue v : s

ObjectDB 2.5.6

a NullPointerException in query compilation . Fixed a memory leak (Negative snapshot user count) in

Feature suggestion: auto-detection of entities via persistence.xml extension

to the EntityManager whether one performs compile -time enhancement or runtime enhancement ? That is, does

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker

is inevitable - it is similar to JVM errors in case of incomplete compilation of a project.   support Support

ObjectDB 2.3.5

compilation   (issue #599 ). Fixed an enhancement bug in reading special fields. Fixed map type

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

compilation ). It reproduces the deadlock, which is now fixed in build 2.2.7_01, but the other exception

Different behavior for two equal queries

through null in one of the OR components. Navigation should be compiled as LEFT OUTER JOIN to avoid losing

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

classes?  As they are being compiled at the same time as the model classes... emilycrutcher Emily

ObjectDB 2.8.0

compilation time of queries with many (10) JOINs ( issue #2423 ) Fixed the new option in 2.7.6_01

ObjectDB 2.3.3

Improved compilation performance of OR queries with many elements. Fixed eager fetch of maps and nested embedded objects. Fixed a bug in removing a new flushed entity object before first commit ( issue #562 ). Fixed a NullPointerException in accessing inverse (mapped by) collection fields

performance issues, database after adding statistics, after doctor

. Your report will accelerate the need to address this issue. Queries are compiled for reuse

stackoverflow big sur eclipse debug

since we changed to big sur we have in eclipse a stack overflow on starting our application. The code where it happens (it is just the start) is (everything is unchanged compared to the before big sur time, the compiled app works as expected, we also tried different databases, all the same

ObjectDB 2.4.0

compilation of path expressions in queries. Fixed handling null  values in JOIN and path expressions in


kind of compiled classes into the schema? But under the "File" Menu none such option is provided

DISTINCT key causing internal exception on 2.6.4.b10

Alexander Golyshkin More details are needed. First, the query in your post is invalid since a closing ... should be posted . Finally, if you can follow these posting instructions and provide a simple test case

Best practice for history tracking

Avishay Ben Natan Could you please post the questions again to the ObjectDB forum ? The issue ... addition, every post should discuss one topic, so I think it would be better to separate the last question about UUID PK and post it as a separate thread. These questions are of great value