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1-10 of 200 resultsRefreshHow prevent post-compile enhancement of non entity classes I have recently moved to post-compile enhancement (from automatic run-time enhancement) using ... ="/usr/local/objectdb/objectdb/bin/objectdb.jar"/> <target name="-post-compile"> <echo ... ;/target> But the following for per-file post-compile enhancement also invokes the enhancer | |
Post-compile enhancement fails when static Log4j 2.5 based logger used in Entity-java"> @Entity public class SubEntity extends Element { On post-compile enhancement I ... script for the post-compile enhancement the class path is: javac ... vanishes and post-compile enhancement works. webel Dr Darren Kelly It seems like a class loading | |
Post-compilation enhancement vs Automatic Run-time enhancement We are getting massively different results on field loading between explicit post-compile ... , where post compilation enhancement may also enhance non entity classes. This may be relevant if you access ... ? support Support An example of is now provided under forum posting: Pre | |
Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application a number of empty targets to override in build.xml, such as -post-compile and -post-compile ... : <target name="-post-compile"> <echo message="begin ObjectDB ... ; I want to have a version of this that works with -post-compile-single acting on single | |
Maven driven compile time ehnancement persistent classes during compile time. Just add the following to your pom.xml: compile</scope>   ... ; <phase>compile</phase> <goals>   | |
Posting Sample CodeTo demonstrate a technical question or an issue - you may have to provide a complete runnable sample program. If an unexpected exception (e.g. NullPointerException or ClassCastException) is thrown by ObjectDB - posting the full stack trace | |
Post-compile enhancement sometimes causes error in generic loops: incompatible types found: java.lang.Object: required: Entity I have moved from automatic run-time enhancement to explicit post-compile enhancement in an Ant build.xml in a NetBeans web app, and sometimes on editing a file that performs a generic for loop over an @entity type I get a generics error. The generic for loop is: | |
JPA / JDO Class EnhancerObjectDB Enhancer is a post compilation tool that improves performance by modifying the byte code of compiled classes after compilation. Enhancement is mainly for user-defined persistable classes ... . The following Maven build file defines a Java compiler plugin that includes enhancement: | |
newQuery(compiled); Object compiled) Create a new Query ... >Extent. Parameters: compiled | |
compile() Method javax.jdo.Queryvoid compile() Verify the elements of the query and provide a hint |