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Object as parameter results in exception

a literal, which means that the query has to be compiled every time and the query program cache ... this query the way it is? Please ignore my original post - the literals are a pretty bad ... Criteria queries. Willks William Your original post is of a great value since it highlights


compilation error in action? support Support The OutOfMemoryError ... is solved, try using no more than 10-15 variables per query. The query compilation error ... at. The select statement from post #2 above causes the OutOfMemoryError. I might add that this can surely

Changes in detach behaviour?

="/database/post">posting instructions? You can simulate the effect of Spring transactions by ... out that it only happens whén I use the enhancer at compile time. I haven't tried it with the agent. To make it easy ... test in a project even if enhancement is required, posting it as embedded source code instead of as

Query execution time issue

>Queries with excessive JOINs are expected to be slow, but if you can post a simple minimal runnable test case (see post">posting instructions) that demonstrates ... >It demonstrates a slow query compilation (rather than a slow query execution). Please try build 2.7.6

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

Zwicker we how have compiled with the 02 version and the situation is like attachedposted) with alternative lock free thread safe ... >Please keep us informed and if the issue is not solved please post new thread dumps using the new build. support

After using the enhancer, Lazy loaded collections are no longer loading. They are set as null

> Note:  This scenario was working until running the enhancer on compiled jpa entities posted code is not runnable. Particularly the invocation of find in your code does not compile. The following code included an attempt to reproduce your report. Please adjust

ObjectDB enhancement fails on "is" form for @Transient boolean isLoaded(), ok for "getter" form @Transient boolean getLoaded()

enhancement or post-compile enhancement, and on complete clean and build in NetBeans, and also after complete NetBeans cache clear (an no matter whether using compile-on-save or not) I get at run-time

Super class' field access fails

="/database/post">posting instructions and post a test case to demonstrate an issue. compiles


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation -


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation - PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components.