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How find out ObjectDB version at runtime (in a web app)

>When one runs the enhancer (which I am doing post-compile, pre-deploy with an Ant script) Object clearly

Enhancement of type is old and cannot be used

am using post-compile, pre-build enhancing, so every existing class I use is enhanced correctly and NOT

ObjectDB with JRebel: copious 'Not Enhanced:' errors with EJBs

post-compile ObjectDB enhancement in an Ant script that targets folders with @Entity classes only.

Suggest link to Maven example from Enhancer tool page

;process-classes</phase> Or: <phase>compile</phase> Related ... >Following your post the manual was amended. Thanks. support Support

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.RSV

>   Thanks for your help. galandor Orlov Sergey Please post ... ="stacktrace pre-config"> [2013-08-02 13:43:09 #8207 query.compiler] <finalPlans> <

An InternalException occurs when gets an result list

( btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Could you please post more information ... ", "LAZY"); btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems The exception is thrown during query compilation

Different behavior with persist() and queried instances?

compile time enhancer but the class itself is enhanced as I can see the odbtracker field) it doesn't ... with a simple list in it like in my first post - Open up connection to server to any database using entity

problem using macbook with M1 chip?

we just switched to macbook pro with M1 chip and trying to start our project hangs in (see attachment),  // Compiled from (version 1.5 : 49.0, super bit) posted, if it contains relevant information please explain. The UNM class

Extending model by "common entity"

data in database, after compiling and running new version of application, I got some errors: If it doesn't help - please post (or submit in a support ticket) a test case

OutOfMemoryError in a query with many variables

:680) quasado Alexander Adam The exception is thrown during compilation of a query. Can you post the query? Does it have a large number of variables (> 20