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Method not found on...

I've got this class... @Entity @Table(name = "language") public class Language implements Serializable { ... private List aliases; ... public boolean hasAlias(List alai) { return ... ; } ... } When I try to make this JPQL query: SELECT g from Language g where g.hasAlias("espanol", "italian

significant performance decrease

): @Entity public class ObjectNode implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID

Strange behaviour with ORDER BY and IN

implements Serializable {     @Id     private String id;   

Null returned by Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory

; @Entity public class Task implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue int id; //int id = 0; private

TYPE Expression

A implements Serializable {     }     @Entity     public

Rename Application StringIdentity

I don't think JDO supports altering an entity's Application Identity.  Does ObjectDB? @PersistenceCapable public class MyClass implements Serializable , Cloneable{ @Id private StringIdentity id; ... }   PersistenceManager persistenceManager = ...; Transaction transaction

ODB with Netbeans

. Serializable interface." This is also a NetBeans restriction, not a JPA restriction. "There is no ID

JOD problems regarding detachCopy()

whether enhancement is required? My code: @Entity public class Boat implements Serializable { @Id private String name

Entity name

Hello  !! I am new in JPA / ObjectDB development and I have many questions:   2. Object creation I created a class named EBResult which looks like this: @Entity(name="RESULT") public class EBResult extends Pojo implements Serializable {..... In ObjectDB-explorer (which is part of ObjectDB

Spring 4 setup

value type Serializable for field

removed objects stay with null field values in the reference

We have a class with a one to many relationship declared like this (1 or more objects of the same class are linked into the relationship, no circular referencing): @Entity public class ObjectNode implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id public String uUid

Entity listener - event instead of object

;             final Serializable entityId

Failing to read entities under load in multithreaded tests

TestIdHolder implements Serializable {     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L

JDOHelper.isDetached failure ?

implements Serializable { @PrimaryKey private long id; private String name; protected TestClass() { } public

Removing an entity throws exception

code: @Entity public class Customer implements Serializable { private static final long

Database Inconsistency or corruption

abstract class Value implements Serializable , metamodel.IValue {   @javax.persistence.Id  

GWT RPC is throwing serialization exception when I have object db date value

that ObjectDB uses in order to track changes. It implements Serializable but probably

Criteria query error: Unexpected query token

; } } @MappedSuperclass public abstract class BaseEntity implements Serializable { private static final

c.o.jpa.type.EntityTypeImpl.getIdType() returns null

_versionAttr null my entity looks like this @Entity public class Foo implements Serializable {   

Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type

; webel Dr Darren Kelly ObjectDB supports persisting serializable types, so it should also support

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

AuEntity implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue long id } it's the ONLY place in the entire

How to pass a list in query for a list field of entity.

I have a entity as bellow :- @Entity @Table(name = "agent") public class Agent implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long Id; private List SocialMedias; public Agent() { } public Long getId() { return Id; } public List getSocialMedias() { return

Lazy loading does not work - crud takes long

", "ValidAttributes"}) public class Project implements Serializable {     @Id    

How to apply constraints in collection attributes of entity.

How to apply constraints like unique, not null ...etc in collection attribute of a entity. Example : @Entity @Table(name = "agent") public class Agent implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long Id; private List PhoneNumbers; public Agent() { } public

Unable to store AtomicInteger

In the docs, all serializable types should be persistable. However, when I tried to persist a field of type AtomicInteger, I got the following message: Message: Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger I am using

Query problem

Hi, Given : @Entity(name = "Inspiration") public class Inspiration implements Serializable {     ....     @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)     protected Atelier atelier;     .... } I have a query : SELECT i FROM Inspiration i WHERE i

multi thread application, id field sporadically null

Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id public String nodePath; ... as soon as

Possible issue with String fields

up. My entity looks like this .. @Entity public class av_booking implements Serializable { @Id

Minor typo on web page...

On Page: Under: Serializable Types "The internal Java serialization format will be inaccessible to future versions of ObjectDB on other platform." ...should be platforms (plural).   rwehrli Rob Wehrli Thanks. Following your report the text was fixed. support Support

java 8 LocalDateTime is not working in query

. What could be the other reason it's still working for me? my entity class is Serializable though. I'm using

objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active'

(The classes all implement Serializable where necessary, via a common inherited logging service class

JPQL support for Maps (JPA 2.0)

: public class Session implements Serializable {     ...    

ObjectDB 2.3.7

DISTINCT results. Fixed an exception in handling user defined serializable classes in the Explorer ( issue #647 ).

Support Attribute Conversion for Persistence

The @Converter annotation and the Attribute Converter interface have two big benefits: 1) They make it possible to persist any as-yet-unsupported java types that do not implement Serializable . (If they do, it is possible to persist them automatically by turning on the   option in

InternalException - error reading field from "queue" database

? entity objects? embeddable objects? serializable objects? Did you use that specific database in

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: null

@Entity class WebReference implements Serializable {     private @Id