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indicates a problem in preparing a directory for ObjectDB temporary files. Please verify

Memory leak with OutOfMemoryError exception

> Temporary data RAM threshold.

Cross-platform license: Ubuntu and Windows 8

I have a machine on which I dual-boot both Ubuntu and Windows 8.  I purchased an activation code which works fine on Ubuntu but is ignored on Windows 8.  I have checked that the application is reading the right objectdb.conf by putting a temporary error in the file.  

Multi part paths in a composite index must have the same length

are multi value fields, unlike your simple example. Build 2.6.0_02 contains a temporary

ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.objectdb.spi.TrackableUserType

still see the temporary database and if I attempt to store another instance, it tells

ObjectDB 2.7.1

of a temporary file for index update (issue #2050). Fixed

ObjectDB 2.6.2

Added support of entity classes with missing implemented interfaces in the Explorer. Added method com.objectdb.Utilities.newTrackable(em, cls) for improved performance. Added a temporary workaround for

ObjectDB 2.6.3

Added an option to disable some query execution optimizations. Added an option to exclude persistence aware enhancement (feature request #1683). Added an option to use temporary files for very large transactions

ObjectDB 2.5.0

of query execution. Added a new temporary system property ("objectdb.temp.quick-file

InternalException during EntityManager.find()

> It seems to be a thread safe issue in working with temporary page files (setting "