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ObjectDB version 2.3 has been released

#entitymanagerfactory">";drop" database url parameter. Adjusted the Enhancer to the new Java 7

Issue with compile time enhancement

-classes> <properties> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url

Embedded Database Replication

a database in embedded-server mode, you may be able to use the server url for replication as with an ordinary server. support Support

Spring and packagesToScan

.class); Map jpa = MapBuilder. put("javax.persistence.jdbc.url", "objectdb

Starting Explorer programmatically

>   repositories { jcenter () maven { url '

How to package orm.xml when using EJB in WAR?

;       <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="$objectdb

ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released

of url arguments (

Compare old and new schema

create a new URLClassLoader with a URL pointing to the folder containing my Class hierarchy like

ObjectDB 2.3.0

/overview#entitymanagerfactory">";drop" database url parameter. Adjusted

ObjectDB 2.3.2

#531). Fixed Explorer bugs: editing embedded objects and using connection urls