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Acces the same DB with multiple users

Acces the same DB with multiple users

Feature request: helpdesk user can change issue or support ticket page title/name

Feature request: helpdesk user can change issue or support ticket page title/name

Database Connection using JPA

;properties.put("javax.persistence.jdbc.user", "admin");   properties.put("javax ... are supported as part of an ObjectDB connection URL: useruser password in client server mode. drop - for deleting any existing

Database Replication and Clustering

;  <replication url="objectdb://localhost:6000/my.odb;user=a;password=a" /> </server ... user and password attributes. The slave server uses these details to connect ... :6000/my.odb;user=a;password=a"); A slightly different URL is required in order to access

JPA Persistable Types

> User defined classes - Entity classes, Mapped superclasses, Embeddable classes. user or system defined). Note:user defined Java class whose instances can be stored in the database. The easy way to declare

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

Instances of user defined persistable classes (entity classes, mapped super classes ... one object to another. Instances of user defined persistable classes ... > A path expression always starts with an instance of a user defined class (represented by

JPA Metamodel API

interface provides several methods for exploring user defined user defined types: EmbeddableType - represents user defined embeddable classes.

ObjectDB Object Database Features

than other Object-Oriented Database Systems (ODBMS)  - no need to learn a proprietary API - any user ... > User Defined Classes Java standard methods in queries. User defined

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

(==, !=) compare the identity of instances of user persistent classes (as in ... expressions (a possible replacement to the like operator of SQL). To use methods of user defined classes in queries, the user code must be available. In embedded mode, user classes are always available

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

recommended in multi user applications because of the resources that every connection consumes.user identification and permission checking. Username and password are optional in ... can be used during the entire application run. This may be a good option in a single-user desktop