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user defined backup target

Date/Time Information maybe: .. / Users /backup/mybackup.objectdb   2. What about the $odb File

Acces the same DB with multiple users

Acces the same DB with multiple users

Negative snapshot user count exception com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count at com.objectdb.o.SNP.D( at com ... , the "Negative snapshot user count" and the "mismatch client-server protocol" errors could be caused by

Feature request: helpdesk user can change issue or support ticket page title/name

Feature request: helpdesk user can change issue or support ticket page title/name


that results from the query execution. If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery for some user -defined ... from the query execution. If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery for some user -defined


String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user


to the default schema for user . Since: JPA 1.0 UniqueConstraint [] uniqueConstraints default {} (Optional


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.Table String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user . Since: JPA 1.0


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.TableGenerator String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user . Since: JPA 1.0


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.JoinTable String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user . Since: JPA 1.0


schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.CollectionTable String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. If not specified, the default schema for the user is used. Since: JPA 2.0


"" (Optional) The schema of the table. If not specified, the default schema for the user is used. Since: JPA 2


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.SecondaryTable String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table. Defaults to the default schema for user . Since: JPA 1.0


; @Transient User currentUser; ... } Since: JPA 1.0 This annotation is a marker annotation (with no attributes).


to the default schema for user . Since: JPA 1.0 UniqueConstraint [] uniqueConstraints default {} (Optional

CriteriaQuery.multiselect(selectionList) - JPA Method

of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery for some user -defined class X (i.e., a criteria query object

CriteriaQuery.multiselect(selections) - JPA Method

is CriteriaQuery for some user -defined class X (i.e., a criteria query object created by passing a X class


modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field ... ;currentValue, byte newValue) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc ... as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field


instance. Return: the user object associated with this PersistenceManager See Also: setUserObject ... of user objects. Parameters: key - the key of the object to be returned Return: the object Since: JDO ... -value pair into the map of user objects. Since: JDO 2.0 void refresh (Object pc) Refresh


given. They return a single instance or a List of result class instances which the user can iterate ... which must be cast to the appropriate result by the user . Any parameters passed to the execute methods ... a value for which the filter expression evaluates to true . The user may denote uniqueness in


connection. Since: JDO 1.0 String getConnectionUserName () Get the user name for the data store connection. Return: the user name for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0 boolean getCopyOnAttach ... connection. Since: JDO 1.0 void setConnectionUserName (String userName) Set the user name

PersistenceManagerFactory.setConnectionUserName(userName) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory void setConnectionUserName (   String userName ) Set the user name for the data store connection. Parameters: userName - the user name for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0

PersistenceManagerFactory.getConnectionUserName() - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getConnectionUserName () Get the user name for the data store connection. Return: the user name for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0

PersistenceManager.setDetachAllOnCommit(flag) - JDO Method

is done after calling the user's beforeCompletion callback. During afterCompletion , before calling the user's afterCompletion callback, all detachable persistent instances in the cache transition

Query.setResultClass(cls) - JDO Method

a user -defined class. If there are multiple result expressions, the result class must be able to hold ... , the following requirements apply: A user -defined result class must have a no-args constructor


of user -defined classes. All of its declared method names are prefixed with 'jdo'. Since: JDO 1.0

PersistenceManager.getUserObject() - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object getUserObject () The application can manage the PersistenceManager instances more easily by having an application object associated with each PersistenceManager instance. Return: the user object associated with this PersistenceManager See Also: setUserObject Since: JDO 1.0

PersistenceManager.setUserObject(o) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void setUserObject (   Object o ) The application can manage the PersistenceManager instances more easily by having an application object associated with each PersistenceManager instance. Parameters: o - the user instance to be remembered

PersistenceManager.removeUserObject(key) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object removeUserObject (   Object key ) Remove the specified key and its value from the map of user objects. Parameters: key - the key of the object to be removed Since: JDO 2.0

PersistenceManager.getUserObject(key) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object getUserObject (   Object key ) Get the value for the specified key from the map of user objects. Parameters: key - the key of the object to be returned Return: the object Since: JDO 2.0

PersistenceManager.putUserObject(key,val) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object putUserObject (   Object key,    Object val ) Put the specified key-value pair into the map of user objects. Since: JDO 2.0

StateManager.setDoubleField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setDoubleField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    double currentValue,    double newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setFloatField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setFloatField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    float currentValue,    float newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setObjectField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setObjectField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    Object currentValue,    Object newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setStringField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setStringField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    String currentValue,    String newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setShortField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setShortField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    short currentValue,    short newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setByteField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setByteField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    byte currentValue,    byte newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setLongField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setLongField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    long currentValue,    long newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setIntField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setIntField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    int currentValue,    int newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setCharField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setCharField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    char currentValue,    char newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling

StateManager.setBooleanField(pc,field,currentValue,newValue) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void setBooleanField (   PersistenceCapable pc,    int field,    boolean currentValue,    boolean newValue ) Mark the field as modified by the user . Parameters: pc - the calling


JDO Exception JDOFatalUserException java.lang.Object ∟  java.lang.Throwable ∟  java.lang.Exception ∟  java.lang.RuntimeException ∟  javax.jdo.JDOException ∟  javax.jdo.JDOFatalException ∟  javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException This class represents user errors


the implementation for which no user error handling is possible. The error should be reported to the JDO


JDO Exception JDOUserException java.lang.Object ∟  java.lang.Throwable ∟  java.lang.Exception ∟  java.lang.RuntimeException ∟  javax.jdo.JDOException ∟  javax.jdo.JDOCanRetryException ∟  javax.jdo.JDOUserException This class represents user errors that can possibly


JDO Interface Transaction The JDO Transaction interface provides for initiation and completion of transactions under user control. It is a sub-interface of the PersistenceManager that deals with options and transaction demarcation. Transaction options include whether optimistic concurrency control


JDO Class JDOImplHelper java.lang.Object ∟  javax.jdo.spi.JDOImplHelper This class is a helper class for JDO implementations. It contains methods to register metadata for persistence-capable classes and to perform common operations needed by implementations, not by end users . JDOImplHelper


.JDOObjectNotFoundException This class represents exceptions caused by the user accessing an object that does not exist in

Query.setFilter(filter) - JDO Method

expression evaluates to true . The user may denote uniqueness in the filter expression by explicitly


class instead of creating a new user -defined class for the purpose. Since: JDO 1.0 Public