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Transaction isolation support?

of an object. To avoid using the same object by different users concurrently (even for read ... : We have a User class and a Book class, and each User have a list of books which the user ... the User table, just to make the explanation more easy). Now imagine the following where A and B

openejb jpa jaas module

.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User : apple * Date: 31.01.2013 * Time: 06:01 * To change this template ... String username; private char[] password; private Map options; /** * User . */ protected String login ... (); properties.put("javax.persistence.jdbc. user ",options.get(" user ")); properties.put("javax.persistence.jdbc

Unable to convert 1.x odb file to 2.x

have been found:   Type user _attribute.UserAttributesMap, field "map" - 12 ... 10:58:29 #53 type.registry] New type user _attribute.UserAttributesMap [2014-05-06 10:58:29 #54 type] Type user _attribute.UserAttributesMap is not enhanced

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

in attachement) @Entity public class User {     @Id     private String code;     @OneToMany(mappedBy = " user ") @MapKey     private Map ... ; private User user ;         @Id @ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType

Handling deleted references

the following hierarchy: class User { Profile profile } class Profile { ... } Whenever the profile of a user is set to null we create a new (default) one to achieve that each user has a profile. To reset ... and no version. To simplify the use case I added a @PostLoad method to the User class, which simply checks

JSON serialization and __odbHidden members

before). Here's my class: public class User implements Serializable { private Long id; private ... ; private Profile profile; private List comments = new ArrayList (); public User (){ } // here the usual ... with relevant getters/setters) RESTful service class: @Path("/ user ") public class rs1

Trouble bug on explorer

numeric value of field field model. User .gid using enhanced method (error 362) at javax.swing ... .java:97) Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to set numeric value of field field model. User ... more Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at model. User .__odbSetNumMember(Unknown Source) at com

Level 2 cache not hit in @ManyToOne

Hi! I have 2 entities: User and Item, both @Cacheable. Item has @ManyToOne private User user ... " user ". " user " is loaded each time from the DB (tested by changing data in explorer and reading in my app). " user " should also be taken from L2 cache, shouldn't it?'s a huge

Optimistic Locking

an optimistic lock. I have two users logged on to our system.  They both read and display the same data.  Then I change the data with user 1 and submit, and then I change it with user 2 and submit. User 2 does not get an optimistic lock exception, so the database has user 2’s change

Type xxx is not found (error 301)

The error: Type User is not found (error 301) occurs when I query the db for a type before any instances of that type have been persisted, e.g.: return em.createQuery ("SELECT a FROM User ... query execution by using:     em.find( User .class, User .class); but this is not

Dirty checking

view messages based on that graph of objects.  e.g: if a collection of User Entity objects changed in a transaction, I'd like to generate a Json object with a list of the Users which were Added ... of thing. There are plenty of reactive user interface libraries, knockoutjs, Vuejs (actually based


; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Entity @Table(name = " user ") public class user implements ... ) { = email; } public user () { } }         package com.example.demo ... (name = "message") private String message; @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "messages") private Set user ; public

objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "") vs. generic classes with interfaces: detailed investigation

] New type com.greensoft.objectdb.test.entity.value.BooleanValue [2016-08-24 16:14:34 #16 type. user ... .greensoft.objectdb.test.entity.value.EnumValue [2016-08-24 16:14:34 #19 type. user ] Enhancement ... #16 type. user ] Enhancement of type com.greensoft.objectdb.test.entity.value.BooleanValue is old

Update is ignored by ObjectDB

the database, and User entity remains modified only in code, even if I go: user = smdb.find( User .class, user .id); In this source highlighted lines modifying entity, but not the database. @Stateless ... userID, int itemID) { Order order = shopdb.find(Order.class, orderID); if (order == null) { User

NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

I have an entity that looks like this: class User {     @embedded private ... ;  User user = entityManager.createQuery("select......     entityManager.detach( user );      user .getProfile().setDescription("Something... I get the following

LazyInitialization / join fetch

I have a survey that carries the tabla Items . A company has several items , a user charge and technical user also . A specialty has several technical users . Area A has a charge . What happens ... have a survey that carries the tabla Items . Being a company that has multiple items , a user charge

multi EntityManager with Spring Boot, but 'Too many persistable types (>10)

.persistence.jdbc.url}") public String url; @Value("${javax.persistence.jdbc. user }") private String user ... .jdbc. user ", user ); props.put("javax.persistence.jdbc.password",password); entityManagerFactoryBean ... .persistence.jdbc2. user }") private String user ; @Value("${javax.persistence.jdbc2.password}") private

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

instances, i.e. this could also be demonstrated by a non OSGi application: User 1 retrieves an object and changes it. User 2 retrieves an object, removes it and commit. This should work if the changes of user 1 are local in memory and will fail with OptimisticLockException if user 1 is committing or

use of Singleton into tomcat

for example with serarch for name of a user , a search for a lastname, so way. but i ask if all method it to be syncorniuzed into signature?????? for example: public syncronized User searchForName(String name){ User user =null //query for get the user correspondant. return user ; } public void 

Field level privileges

addons and privileges on access some of the fields on java side.   Can we give privileges to users , for example some users can only read some fields and some just can write java fields. Some users ... ). But this could be handled by your application that will have to manage its own users

Change path for urls2.xml file

the program still creates objectdb/urls2.xml in my system user folder. Is there a setting to change ... and log files. jb11 James Evarts This file is created in a directory .objectdb under the user home directory (regardless of the ObjectDB home path). You can change the user home directory by changing

Does ObjectDB support @Parent for @Embeddable reference to parent?

instrumentation: @Entity class User implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType ... { User user ; public void setUser( User user ) {..} setURL(String url) { if ( user .active

How to enhance the JPA/Spring/MVC to implement RESTfull for CURL client?

" http://localhost:8080/Guestbook/ user /siegfried -X GET The logs say Oct 11, 2013 11:21:28 PM org ... with URI [/Guestbook/ user /siegfried] in DispatcherServlet with name 'spring' Here is my controller ... ;   private GuestDao guestDao; @RequestMapping(value = "/ user /{username}", method = org

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

to try the second URL in the list: objectdb://; user =admin ... ("objectdb://; user =admin;password=password|"        + "objectdb://; user =admin;password=password");   

Problem connecting to the replicated server

.com:6136//; user =slaveUserName;password=slavePassword; I get an error:  User slaveUserName has no permission to to access database file (error 572) Why is that?      Trianglehead Json Error Check that you add the user (slaveUserName

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

();                 User user = new User ();         em.persist( user );         Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u");      

Multitenancy with discriminator

User {     protected String id;     protected Domain mainDomain ... ;     ... } Here are some feature of the required filtering system: a user ... 1" domain a User with no specified "mainDomain" will be able to see al entities (no filtering

LDAP and ObjectDB

st.clair.clarke St Clair Clarke Most applications manage users and permissions in the database but not in the configuration file. You can use one shared user in objectdb.conf for the entire application and manage your application users and permissions using your own persistent objects in

ODB tries to create log files inside its own jar on Win7

I sent a demo of an app I've been developing on Linux to some Windows 7 users ... it.  Either way, it does not affect Linux users ; I can copy my executable jar to another Linux ... to 2.3.7.b15, but in my haste to get feedback from Win7 users , that wasn't the only change I

Problem with Composite indices

class Client { @Index (unique = "true") private String name; } and a User class which looks like: @Index (members = {"client", "emails"}) public class User { private Client client; private List emails; } So I want to be sure that each User which belongs to one Client has an unique Email address

OneToMany and cascade delete problem

( at com.objectdb.type. user .UserMember.newException( at com.objectdb.type. user .UserMember.write( at com.objectdb.type. user .UserMemberList.write ... .TypeWriter.writeElement( at com.objectdb.type. user .UserMember$ReflectionMember.write0

Possible Bug in MEMBER OF

Hello! I maybe found another bug in version 2.3.3. I'll send you a test DB via support ticket. Try the following query in explorer: SELECT u FROM Unit u WHERE : user MEMBER OF u. users Set user ... for operator MEMBER OF SELECT u FROM Unit u WHERE : user MEMBER OF u. == users

client server mod of communication

.createEntityManagerFactory("objectdb://localhost:6137/settercode.odb; user =admin;password=admin");    2 ... /settercode.mem; user =admin;password=admin");     i do not want to first one, i want second ... .createEntityManagerFactory("objectdb://localhost:6137/settercode.mem; user =admin;pass=admin;); in this way

Can't post on your forum

and posted your email about this issue as a test (and to let other users know about this problem ... another user and apparently after a similar action of changing his password the problem was solved ... cookies that are used to identify a logged in user . I use Chrome and do not have that problem

Entity Type is not found (error 301) in Query

] select u from == User 0) {         throw new Exception(             " User .checkConstraints(): Property ... ; em.getMetamodel().entity( User .class);   support Support Hi! Thanks for the fast response

ObjectDB Roles and Groups

for this. For example, I would like to place several users under a given group or role, but I see no way of doing ... $default user and all the other users will inherit these settings. It would be possible to support inheritance from other virtual users (in addition to $default ) in next versions - will this help

Unable to update a OneToMany Set

attach the file. I don't get any error, I just can't make company. users List to point any user . I can add users and companys, but I can't get that relationship working... I also attach a cap ... you men. Sorry for the stupid question. All I needed to do is a em.merge(company) once added the user to the company to attach it again... elnll002 Facundo Curti

newbie - lots of exeptions

_DataSync-war_war/, URLEntry : file:/C:/ Users /Administrator/Documents/NetBeansProjects/ProhireNetwork ... , URLEntry : file:/C:/ Users /Administrator/Documents/NetBeansProjects/ProhireNetwork_DataSync/dist/gfdeploy ... to read from file 'C:\ Users \ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\objectdb_8889438785985987880\list_21.val

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

for users that develop web application to post web applications as examples, but since it requires ... that users upload, they almost never work out of the box. Please try to proceed in the direction ... what a great support team ObjectDB has. PS. As a very happy user , I created the wiki page for "objectdb

Error in reading Enum in JPA - Failed to read using reflection

I have created a very simple Entity User which has an enum Status (INACTIVE, ACTIVE). When an entity User is created, everything looks OK and I have seen on explorer that User is created as expected ... the value of field User .status using reflection caused by.. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

coonection pooling

Hi, is it possible to implement a mechanism in object db which redirects a particular user ... we have a single deployed application with 100 users . Depending on the logged user it will connect to different ... for the active user , there is no support in ObjectDB for this functionality. support Support Thanks, we found


- it is acceptable to present an error to the user if it tries to commit changes on a document ... to present an error to the user if it tries to commit changes on a document that has been concurrently ... " However, my application runs a time critical state machine, and it's not acceptable to do a round trip to the user

Indexes broken after schema update

.userservice.entities. User [profile] [2012-08-19 19:42:25 #77 store] BTree Page: 7 [2012-08-19 19:42:25 ... objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Doctor ../../db/ user .odb ObjectDB Doctor [version 2.4.2_02] Copyright (c ... it is very small with only 1 User in it. To replicate the issue you can do the following: SELECT u from

ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual

that focuses on using ObjectDB 2 with JDO can help JDO users . But since writing a new manual ... , this will be done only if there is a sufficient demand. support Support As a user of the JDO side of ObjectDB a JDO ... has hundreds of thousands of current users . Most of those users are probably now looking for a new

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

;(most ObjectDB users use field access mode and are not affected). A critical Enhancer bug in handling ... , as noted above, most ObjectDB users do not use property access so are not affected. Build 2.6.9_01 ... :7605639074554134295) Severe: [2016-08-17 09:27:21 #62 type. user ] Enhancement of type com.greensoft.entity.value

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

return fast enough it tries running it again and again? This could also be a user or users that send ... (and a few seconds could also be considered by users as slow), e.g. by using additional indexes, to prevent ... . after a user refresh the page. support Support we already have a query timeout. All the client

Page cache File handling produced an Negative seek offset

  The Exception: Failed to read from file 'C:\ Users \DEVELO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\objectdb ... .PersistenceException Failed to read from file 'C:\ Users \DEVELO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\objectdb ... : com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to read from file 'C:\ Users \DEVELO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\objectdb

stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

I am running a stress test with 2 users , each making a request to the JSON API (which uses as ... /issue/new com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count at com.objectdb.o.SNP.D( at com.objectdb.o.SFL.aa(SFL

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

after failure in writing to database file 'C:\ Users \Home\workspace\Object.Test\test\persistTest.odb ... : Attempt to commit a transaction after failure in writing to database file 'C:\ Users \Home\workspace ... transactions) and it should serve the right version of every page for every user (depending

Can not connect to replication node

/accesslog.odb; user =asli-webmapper;password=admin1"; var emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(uri); Error log: bmpccdeMac-mini:mapper eko$ cd / Users /eko/work/asli/asli-java/mapper ; /usr/bin/env ... .WebMapperHttpServer Current Working directory / Users /eko/work/asli/asli-java/mapper Exception in thread