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String Contains Query Result - Possible?

Hi, I have a managed database for an Entity, "Program", containing ... manually and find one that is contained within the System Description. contains(p.getDescription())) return p; return null; }

Memory error during commit, if @ElementCollection field contains many elements

> The element collection contains more than 10.000 elements. There are more than 100.000 ... ">TCStep will reference a new entity object that will contain the collection and will be loaded

Logging archive contains non-objectdb log files

Hi, I'm dealing with problem, that objectdb's log archive folder contains several other log files which are not part of objectdb. We use single location for our application log files and also objectdb log files. When application crashes or retarts, we noticed

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

I have an OrderData class, containing an OrderItemData collection, i would like to find OrderData elements by OrderData.items.itemId. I cant get a proper query with MEMBER OF or IN. Does anyone have an idea on how i could formulate that as Typed or CriteriaBuilder query

embed the .odb file in tomcat webapp container

embed the .odb file in tomcat webapp container

contains(cls, primaryKey)

">javax.persistence.Cacheboolean contains(  Class cls,    ... contains data for the given entity. Parameters


Method javax.persistence.EntityManagerboolean contains(  Object 

InternalException when querying indexed field using a list that contains duplicates

when: A query filter like this is used: ":ids.contains(originalId)" contains a duplicate entry If the field is unindexed, or :ids does not contain

WeakRef Purge ObjectDb threads not stopping with Tomcat (in application container)

Hi, We have threads that are not stopping with Tomcat requiring a hard stop of the container.  Can you please help us resolve this issue? Thanks, EntityManagerFactory is closed, so it should be more friendly for Tomcat and similar containers. support Support

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

in a specified order. contains the following sections:"> containing persistent objects (usually an Extent) A candidate class (usually ... that contains only the instances of the candidate class satisfying the given filter. In addition