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one of its subclasses) are thrown by the Java Virtual Machine or can be thrown by the Java throwby another. by the lower layer propagate outward, as it is generally


.Error group-header" class="group-header"> as its detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by ... with the specified detail message. The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by


> Thrown by the persistence provider when an entity reference obtained by group-header" class="group-header">


"> Thrown by the persistence provider when a transaction is required but is not active. group-header" class="group-header">   group-header" class="group-header">  


> Thrown by the persistence provider ... ="constructor-group-header" class="group-header"> group-header" class="group-header


> Thrown by the persistence provider ... -group-header" class="group-header"> group-header" class="group-header">


="constructor-group-header" class="group-header"> JDO 1.0 group-header" class="group-header">

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

= (Collection)query.execute(); Queries are represented by the javax.jdo.Query interface. A Query instance is constructed by one of the by object, and the filter is evaluated for every Person


-group-header" class="group-header"> group-header" class="group-header"> by some


and should not be called by other code. A JDOPermission is a named ... (possibly confidential) normally unavailable would be manageable (modifiable) by malicious code ... >PersistenceManagerFactory would be releaseable by malicious code.