ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Master database switching to read-only mode, possibly caused by slave failure

, slave became unresponsive and the master switched to read-only mode. By the look of it the slave ... .java:240) .............................................................. Caused by: com.objectdb.o ... : [2012-04-04 19:25:59 #4 store] Database '/opt/objectdb/db/$replication/contextspace.odb' is closed by

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

get the exception: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by ... Ashton Hogan It may be a class loader conflict, i.e. the Enhancer and your classes are loaded by different class loaders and the Enhancer do not have access to the classes. Enhancing by invoking

Need help to analyse very high memory usage by objectdb (PRU, SEV, VAL[])

exceeded" exception. Nearly 90% of the memory are taken by com.objectdb.o.PRU (49%) com.objectdb.o.SEV ... /domain/objectdb.com Forum Thread Need help to analyse very high memory usage by objectdb objects (PRU, SEV, VAL[]) has been created. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems This may be caused by large insert

Extending model by "common entity"

] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: pl.hplxtool.model.BaseEntity at com.objectdb.o.TYM ... . lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski This schema change should be handled by ObjectDB - so the exception is unexpected. Maybe you have to restart the server (I see that the stack trace is generated by

NULL prefered in ORDER BY?

Hi! Is there a way to NOT prefer NULL in Order BY? I.e. assume this: @Entity class Hint {     private String name; } @Entity class Test {     private Hint hint; } I've got a few Test ... Test ORDER BY hint.name It orders ASC like this (assuming I've got three Test Entities whereas first

Bug: ClassCastException by retrieval

("find by retrieval : %s %n",tn3.getTa()); System.out.printf("Arrays : %s %n",Arrays.toString(tn3 ... , l, l, o, W, o, r, l, d, 2] find by retrieval : H Arrays : [H, e, l, l, o, W, o, r, l, d, 2

Alias not used in ORDER BY

(builder.asc(upperPath)) I would have expected the alias to be used in the ORDER BY clause, something like SELECT $1, UPPER($1.someStringProperty) AS TEST FROM T ORDER BY TEST However what I actually get as query string is SELECT $1, UPPER($1.someStringProperty) AS TEST FROM T ORDER BY UPPER($1

JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections

, SIZE, MEMBER OF, IN) are currently not supported for mapped by (inverse) collections. These operations are supported for direct (not mapped by) collections. Navigation and JOIN is supported for both direct and mapped by collections. The following test case demonstrates a problematic query

InternalException caused by OOM: Metaspace

.5.5_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990)   Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_05 ... .persistenceManagerInit(JDOConnection.java:386) and the next part: Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

Lazy retrieval by access not working correctly

I have a problem loading lazy associations by access/navigation with an @Embedded attribute containing an @ElementCollection which is lazy loaded. I'm not sure if the same problem exists ... { ... @ElementCollection // lazy loaded by default private Map<Locale, LocalizedValue> values

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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