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ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

>Only the ObjectDB runtime jar file is distributed and only as part of the Customer's product ... Product, including the embedded Software. 5. The Software is provided "AS

Is ObjectDB scalable? What are its limitations?

ObjectDB is highly scalable and can manage efficiently databases in a wide range of sizes, from a few Kilobytes to hundreds of Gigabytes and even Terabytes. ObjectDB can be used in small embedded single user applications as well as in heavy loaded multi threaded multi user applications

Database Doctor

such as a computer virus). Given all these causes it is clear that database files ... for running a database diagnosis is the path to the database file (e.g. my.odb as

Is ObjectDB better than Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?

As noted above, using ObjectDB instead of a relational database and ORM combination is easier and leads to better performance. ORM tools, however, are very useful where the use of a relational database is mandatory (e.g. as a result of a customer request or when a new

What is ObjectDB?

to define tables or convert objects to records/records to objects using SQL or ORM, as opposed to when using relational database systems (RDBMS), such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server or MySQL.

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

GuestListener as the class name - use exactly that case sensitive ... >EntityManagerFactory instance and stores it as an application scope attribute in the servlet

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

Next. Enter maven-archetype-webapp as a filter ... node and checking that the Run As > Run on Server command is available

Step 1: Create a Java EE 6 Web Project

>Select GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3 (Java EE 6) as the Target runtime. Note: You may have to add GlassFish 3 as a new server by clicking the New Runtime

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

> directory as Root Directory and press ENTER. Select the project and click  ... > Right click the project node and select Run As > Run On Server. (this command

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

> Select the guestbook-spring directory as Root Directory and press As > Run On Server. (this command is available only if Maven Integration for WTP