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Does ObjectDB support @Parent for @Embeddable reference to parent?">Entity ... > webel Dr Darren Kelly This should probably work with ObjectDB as well, but get methods should be annotated when using property access, rather than the annotated fields, as

Detached Entity Objects

object) is constructed as a detached entity object since is not associated with any as well. Cascading may continue recursively when applicable (e ... to the referenced Address instance, which is then automatically merged as

JPA Named Queries

, names should be selected carefully to avoid collision (e.g. by using the unique entity name as ... /NamedQueries">@NamedQueries annotation, as follows: As a workaround, you may introduce classes

Running JPA Queries

/TypedQuery/getResultList">getResultList method, as we expect to receive multiple objects in return ... >The query result collection functions as any other ordinary Java collection. For example, a result ... method, getSingleResult, as

JPA Metamodel API

/types">persistable types (which are referred to as managed types) in the persistent object ... ="/api/java/jpa/metamodel/IdentifiableType">IdentifiableType is as a super interface ... (which are referred to as attributes). For example: // Get all the attributes

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

The ObjectDB BIRT/ODA driver is an extension of the open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) that adds support of ObjectDB as a data source and JPQL as a data set ... and JPA tutorial. Driver Installation The driver is available as an Eclipse

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

>). Enter Guest as the class name - use exactly that case sensitive class name. Enter guest as ... ; </persistence-unit> </persistence> Now ObjectDB should be used as

Step 5: Design a BIRT Report Chart

select Tube as the chart type and click Next. as the Y series and row["x"] as the X series, (use Ctrl + Space in

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

>Next). Enter Guest as the class name - use exactly that case sensitive class name. Enter guest as ... ObjectDB should be used as a JPA provider with the specified database url. The next step

JDO Predefined ID Classes

. It provides a unique representation of a persistent object. The following classes serve as ... objects but should not be used as the type of a primary key field in a persistence capable class. , as a combination of a class and a string value.