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Detaching objects after JOIN FETCH

with JOIN FETCH. Let's say I have two classes: public class ... with all A classes skipping lazy loading: select b from B b join fetch ... but without A classes and because EM is closed, B.aClasses is always null. I thought, that after join fetch

"Problem" with cross join

=InheritanceType.JOINED) ... @ManyToOne private CI ci; subclass CIstring ... handling primary key fields in JOIN queries). Please try the new build (2.0.4_01

joining of tables

Hi In objectdb site i found :Note: This ORM/SQL annotation is silently ignored by ObjectDB so i want  join tow table and generate a third table. Ex:  table 1: employee    table 2: address  and the generate

Mapped by fields are not initialized by JOIN FETCH in queries

As demonstrated in this forum thread, a mapped by collection field with lazy fetch mode is not initialized in results of a query that uses JOIN FETCH on that collection field (when enhancement is used). support Support   Build 2

Index Definition

JOIN queries: SELECT d FROM Document d JOIN d.words w WHERE w = 'JPA ... "> SELECT d FROM Document d JOIN d.words w WHERE LENGTH(w) >= 10 But this time

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

="/java/jpa/query/jpql/from#from_and_join_in_criteria_queries">Criteria FROM (join_String_JoinType">join,

Query Execution Error

.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.mitgliedschaft $2 LEFT JOIN $2.abteilungen $3 LEFT JOIN $3.abteilung $4 WHERE (((NOT ((($2 IS NOT NULL) AND ($3 IS NOT NULL) AND ($4 IS NOT NULL ... .vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.mitgliedschaft $2 LEFT JOIN $2.abteilungen

Different behavior for two equal queries

;Navigation should be compiled as LEFT OUTER JOIN to avoid losing results in such cases, but maybe an ordinary JOIN was used in this query. Could you isolate the OR component that causes

Fetch a whole entity graph eager

 eager fetch. left_outer_inner_join_fetch">JOIN FETCH queries. JDO

addSubquery(sub, variableDeclaration, candidateCollectionExpression, parameters)

and subsequently attached to a different query (the outer query) by calling this method. The query parameter instance is unmodified as a result of the addSubquery or subsequent execution of the outer ... the outer query that represents the candidates over which the subquery is evaluated. If the trimmed value