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Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

When using the CriteriaBuilder to query, the loaded list are not refreshed according to the latest updates. But, when using the JPQL Query, the list are refreshed, and, when I querying for primitive fields like Strings, the list of primitives are loading refreshed too.

query on calendar class

Hello!   I'm looking for help to build query on calendar ... (TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Calendar start; I tested: query"> Query query=em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Cdr c where c.start.DAY_OF_WEEK = ?1",Cdr.class

Queries are slow on a large database

than usual and there are performances issues. I am doing small queries ... . 0-25) Get one specific entry On average each query needs 4 to 5 minutes to return ... logEntryImpl; ... And I use such query: Query query = pm

how to query by properties of onetomany relations? (Error 990)

> However, this query is invalid. You cannot navigate through collections in JPQL directly ... > This specific query should be rewritten as follows: query"> select f from ... /jpa/query/jpql/from#inner_join">FROM page of the ObjectDB manual. support Support

query hint

some years ago there was a chat around query hints ... but we do not see that our hint is used this is the query: SELECT DISTINCT o from ... ' and p3.doubleValue >= 2795) and ( = 'slots' and p4.doubleValue > 0)) [[objectdb.query

slow performance for a complex query

Hi, We have a query that is constructed dynamically, an example is like this: query"> SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1, Organisation $2, Organisation ... query first and passing the results into the organisation query as follows:

First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

more than 4 minutes to complete the first SELECT query that we run on the DB which contains about 320,000 ... . Here is extract of the code (related to the query that we run). @Entity(name ... a transaction. 2. The 2nd EntityManager runs the queries (JPQL SELECT statements) shown

Error using query with MAX() function

> Then when I query for the latest remark I get a internal error when the remark is larger than 1966 ... demonstrates an ObjectDB bug in processing large objects in queries. Please try build 2.2.2_02 ... class="stacktrace"> [2011-05-02 21:10:36 #150 query.manager] <queryRequest query="SELECT MAX($1

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

Hello! Attached you find a full stacktrace. The query ... for the fields in the query. Log of the query execution using DEBUG logging level. If you open the attached db with the explorer and run the query below it will crash

unclear syntax for update query

seems to be wrong. Query query"> Update Action Set transferred = 0 ... > results in Query Execution Error ===================== Unexpected query token 'a' Update Action Set transferred = 0 where ==> a <== .objectsInCharge