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Help with 'not like/lower' query

Hi all,   Honestly, I'm fairly new with JPA2 Criteria queries - but as far as code effort goes, it has saved me a bit of pain. I'm writing a dynamic query builder (only 1 level deep for basic entities) - but  even though I get most queries to work, I am getting

Performance issue in a query due to compareTo calls

Hello, we have a question again regarding query performance. The query: query"> SELECT v FROM Values v WHERE v.step.stepNumber = ? is very slow in comparing to the query: query"> SELECT v FROM Values v

possible index required for improving query performance

) private RelationshipType relationshipType; } With the following query: TypedQuery<BaseObject> query = em().createQuery( "SELECT FROM ... .relationshipType=RelationshipType."+type.toString(), BaseObject.class); query.setParameter("otherParty_id

JPA query of a Set of terms

Hi, Is it possible to write a JPA query to select objects that contain ... want the query to give me all Pages that match all of the search terms provided. Is this possible ... . TypedQuery<Page> query = em.createQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT FROM SearchIndex si WHERE si

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

How write a query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN? query ... > faber Faber The syntax of using JOIN in explained on query/jpql/from ... ;include all the variables in the FROM clause: query

Optimization of Map Queries

> query"> ((com.test.MyEntity) $'com.test.MyEntity')).someProperty ... .get(..) result(s) once to not query the map again and again for each test in my query? 2) Is there anything I could do for shortening the query string? I guess there's no such thing as a "temporary

Performance issues on aggregate query

we are using this aggregate query to collect some data: select p3 ... > No the problem is the following: when we query objects that have no objects linked into the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes the query takes around 1 second.

Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

the unqualified class name of one of these entities. If I execute that query I get an exception; Here is the class doing the query on objdbTest.Item package ... .getItem", query = "SELECT o FROM Item o WHERE o.cachedKey = :cachedKey"), @NamedQuery(name = "objdbTest

InternalException when using MEMBER OF on a large list in a query

Hello, we get when executing a query with MEMBER OF on a large list the following ... ="stacktrace"> Our query looks like this: String recordClassName ... query = "SELECT DISTINCT property.uid FROM " + propertyClassName + " AS property

Update query null error

it still does not work, using (directly in explorer) query ... %" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%" or query"> Update Action ... .nodePath like "%MARAS%" both result in: Query Execution Error