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Unable to execute update query

Hello! I'm trying to do an update query via the explorer to set a new field value for around 400k objects. query"> UPDATE Position p SET p.originalData ... file that is used in an update query, but the cause is unclear, and according to your report

Query execution time issue

Hi, I have a query similar to this one: query ... , and there is only on Entity in the database. Execution of this query (running with ObjectDB) takes about 10-12 seconds. If i remove ANY 5 left joins, query execution time drops

Query over the keySet of a map field with collection parameter

It is possible to execute a query over a keySet of a map field with comparing ... ;>(); values.add("c2"); String query = // "SELECT e " + "FROM ... "; TypedQuery<EntityParent> q = em.createQuery(query, EntityParent.class); q.setParameter(1

Calendar in Criteria Querys

Hi, i am having troubles creating criteria querys for Calendar objects. As far as ... after another. Javas Calendar Class got such methods, but i dont know how to use those in my query. suez ... > Anyway, the following example demonstrates criteria queries with Calendar

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

I create a new entity T newT and persistend it,then I create a query "select t from T t" to fetch all T entities.But  then the newT is not contain in the query result. Why? code order: query.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO); query

Is named-query supported in orm.xml

I prefer to keep custom JPQL named queries in an external file, e.g. orm.xml, rather than in the entity classes, for example: <named-query name= "DataValue.deleteByCapabilityAndCreationtime"> <query>delete from DataValue d

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

ObjectDB 2.8.7.b08 Our entities are not enhanced and we execute a query ... after execution of the query: Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Unexpected query token 'uid' at com.objectdb.o.TKN.w( at com.objectdb.o

Different behavior for two equal queries

Hi, I've got two equal queries though they behave differently: query"> SELECT FROM ... from my database query"> SELECT FROM

Multiple MEMBER OF query

> But when I search for an item that have two specific labels, the following query gets ... MEMBER OF item.labels Is it a bug or JPQL query is wrong? Best regards ... of how JPQL queries are converted into SQL like syntax before executing. MEMBER OF is implemented

JQL-Update Queries fails with activated L2-Cache

When using JQL-Update Queries it is basically not working without calling Scenario 1: Disabled L2 Cache, updating elements using UPDATE-Query ... Cache, updating elements using UPDATE-Query, calling entityManger.clear()