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Querys slower when execute a query after every persist

The test case of the java file attachment persists many entities and executes a query ... . Why the querys will be more and more slower? In addition there are a cpu ... in the current transaction it takes more time (i.e. every query execution requires a more expensive

Cache configuration of database file pages, query programs, query results

Are there some possibilities to configure following caches in order to keep cache data for only some important entity types and for the entire life cycle of the EntityManagerFactory. Cache of database file pages. Cache of query programs. Cache of query execution

Query problem after transaction commit

connect to it. The client program can connect to the server and query to get all the records ... : connecting 02> Test_Connection: connected 03> UI: start query [query for all object Goods successfully] 04> SELECT u FROM Goods u

Online Backup

>The online backup can be started by executing a special query on an The backup query string is always exactly "objectdb ... > parameter before executing the backup query:    

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

and the other for checking a persistent field of an entity object. Retrieval by Query The most flexible method for retrieving objects from the database is to use queries. The official query language of JPA is JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language). It enables retrieval of objects

queries more than 10 times slower using 2.8.1 versus 2.7.6

> - our reference query that takes in 2.7.6 around 5-10 seconds takes in 2.8.1 around 150-200 ... post#15 helps. It seems that running your query on your sample database with version 2.8.1 ... with this query, there is a good chance that the same applies to your newer database

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

that we have numerous logs indicating deep query plan checks and an overall significant performance loss in all queries ... Zwicker There are several changes since version 2.7.6 that could possibly effect query execution. Could you please explain or post some of these logs that show deep query plan checks (and are new in 2


of the enclosing query. Create a subquery root correlated to a root of the enclosing query. - a root of the containing query

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

(including or excluding instances of subclasses) as well as execution of queries against the class ... of persistent classes are not included in the extents of their classes, so they cannot be queried ... > Querying a large extent without indexes may take a significant amount of time


. It is the factory for Query and Transaction instances, and contains ... > of instances in the data store that might be iterated or given to a Query Query" title="Interface in javax.jdo">Query