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IN expression in a Criteria Query

with this JPQL query: SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.present = false ... >with Hibernate, there was no problem with this query, but ObjectDB throws exception: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Unexpected query token 'EXISTS' Second

How to convert a boolean to an int in the query?

How to convert a boolean to an int in the query? I have five parameters of type ... them query"> ORDER BY approveEmail, approvePhoneNumber, .... because the parameters equivalent. I want to sort them in the query by their sum


, and to query over entities. The set of entities that can be managed by a given See Also: Query" title="Interface in javax.persistence">Query ... >EntityManager instance and any Query

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

the database. DELETE Queries DELETE queries provide an alternative way for removing entity objects from the database. Deleting objects using a DELETE query may be useful ... /jpa/query/jpql/delete">DELETE Queries in JPA/JPQL in chapter 4 explains how to use JPA DELETE queries.

Is ObjectDB a NoSQL Database?

and limitations of NoSQL technology, which are weak query capabilities and lack of ACID (atomicity ... of rich complex queries, using two standard Java query languages: JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) and JDOQL (JDO Query Language). The power of these query languages is equivalent to the power

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

/database#the_query-cache_element">query programs. Cache of query-cache_element">query execution results. The scope ... -java"> // Before executing a query:   query.

Updating JPA Entity Objects

implementations and provide better automatic change tracking support. UPDATE Queries UPDATE queries provide an alternative way of updating entity objects in the database. Modifying objects using an UPDATE query may be useful especially when many entity objects

Locking in JPA

for a specific retrieval operation or query/setting#query_hints">query. Releasing a Pessimistic Lock Pessimistic locks ... >); A lock mode can also be query/setting#lock_mode_setlockmode

Step 3: Add a Main Class

().commit(); // Find the number of Point objects in the database: Query q1 = em ... .getSingleResult()); // Find the average X value: Query q2 = em.createQuery("SELECT AVG(p.x ... ()); // Retrieve all the Point objects from the database: TypedQuery<Point> query

Step 3: Add a Main Class

the database: Query q1 = em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM Point p"); System.out.println("Total Points: " + q1.getSingleResult()); // Find the average X value: Query q2 ... <Point> query =  em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Point p", Point.class