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Query filter comparing Dates

across some weird behaviour in query filters comparing this Date field. Could You please clarify why are there zero-size result collections in the first pack of queries and non-zero size results in ... .getCorrectDate(new Date()); PersistenceManager pm = getPMF().getPersistenceManager(); // these queries

Query becomes slower on moving from ObjectDB 1.x to ObjectDB 2.x

entry. Previously, with object 1.x, the same query was getting executed within an seconds and now the same is taking around 40 seconds in object db 2.x I have build the query using the follwoing Query query = persistanceManager.newQuery("LogEntryAttrebuteImpl

composite index not used in query

;ObjectNode> objectsInCharge = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>(); on running a query like query"> select count(a) from Action a JOIN a.objectsInCharge a1 WHERE ((a1 ... and a.startDate > ?1)) the composite index is not used, query plan: 

Speed of queries that return many objects

the contents (objectDB query in java) takes about 10sec. I am using a recent MacBook (SSD ... was expecting the query to take less than one sec (146/400 = 0.35sec.. + some overhead). I ... ;    TypedQuery<BenchEnt> query = em.createQuery("SELECT a FROM BenchEnt

Criteria Query results in a NoResultException instead of returning object

to the query: query"> SELECT $1 FROM IdentityObject $1 WHERE $'demo ... "> java.lang.RuntimeException: com.objectdb.o._NoResultException: No matching results for a unique query ... results for a unique query at com.objectdb.o.JPE.g( at com.objectdb.o.ERR.f(

How to query for list of lists ?

Hi, I have a problem with constructing query, that gets only embedded list of integers from Entity. Here's the example : Query query = em ... = query.getResultList(); where Inspiration is like this :

JPQL query to get entities that does not have a child entity in their child entities

; 004 From these 2 tables I have to query for Jobs having states FINISHED, CANCELED ... am using following queries. query"> FINISHED Jobs between a time interval: @NamedQuery( name = "findFinishedJobsBetweenTimeIntervals", query = "SELECT J

Large query parameter - out of memory

to a txt file as it goes. It then loops through the data from the file and queries for the entity ... and am only querying for the id. After about 300 queries the test throws an out of memory exception so I assume the query data is being held internally. I've tried reducing the query-cache programs setting

Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases?

queries (max, min, count, sum and avg). ObjectDB supports rich queries, including aggregate queries, as part of its support of JPQL (JPA Query Language) and JDOQL (JDO Query Language).

Step 4: Create an ObjectDB Data Set

Queries against the database are represented in BIRT as data sets. The database in this tutorial contains Point entity objects. We will use a simple JPQL query that retrieves points with x value in a specified range: query"> SELECT p.x as x, p.y