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Deploying a BIRT Project using ObjectDB onto Tomcat Hi I am currently having trouble deploying a BIRT Report onto Tomcat. The report works fine in the designer and I can run it without problem. However when i deploy it on Tomcat I get errors ... to Tomcat or any other server for that matter. Thanks. Stephen Stephen Hynes Currently | |
@Entity saved in Tomcat session - problem Tomcat session. When starting or stopping Tomcat, I get nasty exception - please check attached log ... >The exception indicates an attempt to serialize an entity object (when Tomcat stores the session before ... should fix this serialization problem. Please try it. Notice that after stopping and starting Tomcat | |
Path in tomcat Hi, If I put the .jar into /opt/Tomcat/lib/, then where the .conf should be in? Tomcat's web deploy tool by the .war file. However, if I put objectdb into the project's /WEB-INF ... into /opt/Tomcat/lib/, then where the .conf should be in? And the .odb? See explanations | |
embed the .odb file in tomcat webapp container hi all new at objectdb, just wondering if i put the odb file inside tomcat webapp, how do i change the "$objectdb/db/fm.odb"? thanks macroselfian Jeff liu See this page for details about the ObjectDB home path ($objectdb). support Support | |
WeakRef Purge ObjectDb threads not stopping with Tomcat (in application container)Hi, We have threads that are not stopping with Tomcat requiring a hard stop of the container ... time to stop, because of this issue. Warning message from our tomcat server log –   ... when the EntityManagerFactory is closed, so it should be more friendly for Tomcat and similar containers. support Support | |
Step 7: Run the Spring Web App" /> Assuming that Tomcat 6.0 is installed as a server in your NetBeans ... >Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created under the Tomcat directory. You can stop the Tomcat server and open the database file in | |
Step 7: Run the Spring Web App page="guest.html" /> If Tomcat 6.0 is installed as a server in your Eclipse -  ... ] window), selecting Run As > Run on Server, selecting the Tomcat 6.0 ... (weaving) in Tomcat it has to be run with ObjectDB as a Java agent (javaagent:objectdb.jar | |
Step 1: Create a Web Project>Guestbook). Select Apache Tomcat v6.0 as the Target runtime. Note: You may have to add Tomcat 6 as a new server by clicking the New Runtime... button. Follow the instructions and specify the path to Tomcat 6 | |
Step 1: Create a Web Project>Guestbook) and click Next. Select Apache Tomcat 6 as the Server. Note: You may have to add Tomcat 6 as a new server by clicking theTomcat. Click the Finish button to create |