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Rollback of several closed transactions

with big data and we are forced to split a transaction into several transactions. But then we need actually a rollback for several transactions. Is there any possibility in the ObjectDB to rollback several closed transactions? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems

Transaction isolation support?

. But I have been unable to find any documentation about how transaction isolation is handled. For example: What happens If I am reading data in transaction A, and then transaction B commits ... to FetchType.EAGER? In a SQL database, A and B would run in their own transaction

One transaction or two?

is it more efficient to do everything in one transaction or two? Currently my code looks like ... (); } } Should I separate the deletes and adds into separate transactions? I ... > carr.onstott Carr Onstott Actually one transaction eliminates some overhead

Populating entity id before transaction commit

transaction commit. We are using OBD with Spring and transactions are managed by Spring. The problem ... . But this annotation is executed before transaction is committed so all returned entities are not populated with ID in this context. How can I force ODB to populate entity ID before transaction is committed? Or maybe

Is it possible to using JDO and distributed transaction?

I'am new to study JDO. Can and How I use JDO an distributed transaction ... /transaction.html">    Spring Framework Reference Documentation      JCA, JTA, and JDO Transactions - Using and Understanding Java Data Objects   

Update entity without first opening a transaction

to open a transaction, do the modifications and commit the transaction. I want to have a managed entity ... > joelcraenhals Joël Craenhals JPA requires using transactions for updating the content of a database. But if you use Java EE or Spring, the container may manage the transactions automatically. support Support

Working with JPA Entity Objects

"> method, which must be invoked within an active transaction. On transaction commit, the owning transaction the change is detected by the owning EntityManager and the update is propagated to the database on transaction commit.  See the

ODB-FileWriter holds unecessary entity reference after transaction and entity manager are closed

that after closing a transaction (including the entity manager) the ODB file writer still holds a reference ... DBVectorStepBlockCollectionImpl was modified and then the transaction will be committed. em.getTransaction ... much memory, if we execute several transactions on the identical entity manager. Also triggering

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @Component public class ... ; // Stores a new guest: @Transactional public void persist(Guest guest) { em ... > Handles transactions automatically for methods that are annotated with the 

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional ... private EntityManager em; // Stores a new guest: @Transactional public void ... annotation). Handles transactions automatically for methods