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Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

Threaded Test - Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected internal exception

Updating JPA Entity Objects

from inside an active transaction: Employee employee = em.find(Employee.class, 1); em ... (); The entity object is physically updated in the database when the transaction is committed. If the transaction is rolled back and not committed the update is discarded. On commit the persist operation


). If this method is called when the entity manager is associated with an active transaction, the persistence context remains managed until the transaction completes. Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity ... : the PessimisticLockException will be thrown if the database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback

Detached Entity Objects

method, which clears an EntityManager's persistence context. Rolling back a transaction - either by ... transaction when merge is called because operations that might modify the database require an active transaction. Cascading Merge Marking a reference field with CascadeType.MERGE (or CascadeType


transaction, either explicitly by calling the remove method or implicitly by a cascading operation ... queries can only be executed within an active transaction and the changes are visible to other users ... (); A TransactionRequiredException is thrown if no transaction is active. On success - the executeUpdate method returns


objects into an EntityManager. Updating the relevant entity object fields within an active transaction ... queries can only be executed within an active transaction and the changes are visible to other users ... (); A TransactionRequiredException is thrown if no transaction is active. On success - the executeUpdate

JPA Exceptions

, an attempt to update the database with no active transaction is represented by: Database update failures that require transaction rollback are represented by: The RollbackException exception usually ... ) . For example, if a transaction fails because of an attempt to store a new entity object with a primary

JPA Lifecycle Events

throws an exception within an active transaction, the transaction is marked for rollback

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

must know when a persistent field is modified during a transaction because the change must be applied to the database when the transaction is committed. ObjectDB must also know when a persistent field ... when a persistent object is going to be stored in the database during transaction commit. A possible action


to specify that transactions are managed by the Java Transactions API, as documented in JSR-220. The value for TransactionType to specify that transactions are managed by the Java Transactions API, as ... .supportedOptions() String OPTION_TRANSACTIONAL_TRANSIENT "javax.jdo.option.TransientTransactional

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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