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Query for objects persisted within the same transaction

transaction. For example, I read data from file. Each line contains value ... > The problem is, that each entity created and persisted withing current transaction is invisible to future queries in this transaction, unless I do commit. The ugly solution is to use some external list or

remove & persist in same transaction => Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value

>   Now we got the problem that we try to do two thinks in the same transaction:transaction persisting another object with the same primary key

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

Hi, we started to get a java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException from ObjectDB upon changing an object in the DB and committing the transaction. I tried to repair the DB file ... remained and since then my changing transactions are working fine on that original object

com.objectdb.o._RollbackException: Failed to commit transaction

Check the Exception below: (occurs sometimes, ObjectDB 2.3.6_14) com.objectdb.o._RollbackException: Failed to commit transaction: at com.objectdb.o.JPE.g( ~[JPE.class:na] at com.objectdb.o.ERR.f( ~[ERR

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value (613)

. [ObjectDB 2.8.3] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: Attempt

Unexpected exception (Error 990) - Merge with no Transaction

of a transaction. (Is this allowed? I am not trying to modify the object, just read data from it.) transaction when NontransactionalWrite is disabled: com.fastmodel.fastplan.db ... an object with no active transaction when NontransactionalWrite is disabled: com.fastmodel.fastplan.db

Persist & remove in same transaction

> Open a new transaction Create & persist a simple entity object, EntityManager is flushed, Transaction is not committed Count the number of simple entity ... > Remove the entity object, EntityManager is flushed & cleared, Transaction is not committed

Error in production. Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected database state: BTree -152 is not found

transaction: Unexpected database state: BTree -152 is not found transaction: Unexpected database state: BTree -152 is not found (error 613)

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

The following error is reported for objectdb-2.6.9.jar: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property com.greensoft.objectdb ... ] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value

Inefficient memory usage with very large transactions

When a large transaction is committed, ObjectDB increases some internal structures, i.e. allocates more memory, but from that point the structures remain big and the memory is not released even if all the next transactions are small. This problem was found during a heap