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Querys without Transaction

Hello, are querys faster, if we use the entity manager without transaction, since we need only read-only entities. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems There is no much difference, but report queries

Failed to commit transaction: Java heap space (error 613)

[ObjectDB 2.4.6_10] javax.persistence.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: Java

Query problem after transaction commit

I have a machine running the objectdb server and the client on another machine connect to it. The client program can connect to the server and query to get all the records. However, after transaction.begin ... persist(p) .. commit of a new object, my client program can no longer

Max transaction size

What’s the max transaction size, or how is it determined? Trianglehead Json Error The main limit is the available memory in the JVM. There is no hard limit. support Support

CM Transaction Implementation

Hi All, How to implement Container Managed Transaction using Glassfish / Weblogic server. Please provide us the step by step instruction, how ti achieve it       umesh umesh Please check

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

should only be performed within an active transaction. Given an EntityManager, em, it is very easy to begin a transaction: getTransaction method returns. When a transaction is active

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

which way) and then in an active transaction, it can be deleted using the transaction is committed. Embedded objects that are contained in the entity object are also deleted. If the transaction is rolled back and not committed

ObjectDB Object Database Features

>Additional recovery layer - supports full transaction Transactions JPA/JDO ACID transactions.

Database Explorer

> The Explorer manages an active transaction for every open database file. All the editing operations are associated with the active transaction. The File > Save menu command commits the transaction (applying all the changes to the database). The File > Discard

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

-modifier="transactional" /> <field name="f3" default-fetch-group="true" /> ... in the class is always required. persistence-modifier (persistent | none | transactional ... as transactional, like f2 above, has similar behavior to transient