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JPA 2 Annotations

JPA defines dozens of annotations that can be divided into the following groups: Annotations for JPA aware classes: annotations" select="Class Modifiers|JPQL Queries"> Annotations for fields in JPA

JPA Annotations for Relationships

objects. The four relationship modes are represented by the following annotations: annotations/relationship" select="ManyToMany|ManyToOne|OneToMany ... specifying any of the annotations above. Specifying a relationship annotation enables configuring cascade

JPA Annotations for Fields

annotations: annotations/field" select="Basic|Embedded ... annotations (and enum) are designated for enum fields: annotations/field" select="Enumerated|MapKeyEnumerated|EnumType">

JPA Annotations for Classes

annotations: annotations/class" select="Entity|MappedSuperclass ... manual explains these annotations in detail. Entity and mapped super classes can be further configured by annotations that specify cache preferences and lifecycle event listener policy (as

JPA Annotations for Value Generation

is specified: annotations/value" select="GeneratedValue|GenerationType"> The @GeneratedValue annotation can also reference a value generator, which is defined at the class level by using one of the following annotations

JPA Annotations for Callback Methods

The following annotations can mark methods as JPA callback methods: annotations/callback"> The annotations on callback methods and with listener classes.

JPA Annotations for JPQL Queries

The following annotations are used to define static named JPA queries: annotations/jpql"> The annotations to define named JPQL queries.

JPA Annotations for SQL Queries

The following JPA annotations are designated for SQL queries on relational databases: annotations/sql"> ObjectDB supports only the preferred JPA query language, JPQL, and silently ignores all the above annotations.

JDO Annotations for Classes

annotations: annotations/class" select="PersistenceCapable ... path="api/java/jdo/annotations/class" select="PersistenceAware"> annotations/class" select="DatastoreIdentity|IdentityType">

JDO Annotations for Index Definition

The following annotations are used to define indexes on persistent fields: annotations/indexes"> The Index Definition section of the ObjectDB manual explains these annotations in details.