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Bulk Delete and Update - best practice?

The attached test creates 1000 large objects and then attempts to delete them all in one go using a DELETE statement. I'm trying to run with -Xmx512m but the test runs out of memory during the delete. The attachment also contains an update test which has similar memory


As explained in delete">chapter 2, entity objects can be deleted from the database by: Retrieving the entity objects into ... to the database by calling the commit method. JPQL DELETE queries provide

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

Existing entity objects can be deleted from the database either explicitly by invoking ... In order to delete an object from the database it has to first be retrieved (no matter which way) and then in an active transaction, it can be deleted using the

Bulk update of embedded entities in linked list

Hi, I'm trying to do a bulk update of a column in an embedded entity, but I end up with a query execution error because of the "." between the column name of the parent entity and column name of the child entity. The column in the parent entity represents a linked

Bulk load of eager mapped by (inverse) relationships

referenced objects and collection of objects that have to be loaded eagerly are loaded in bulk ... currently do not participate in a bulk load, which means that every reference requires running ... should load eager mapped by (inverse) fields in bulk as well. support Support Bulk load


Enum Constant javax.jdo.ObjectStatePERSISTENT_DELETED


Enum Constant javax.jdo.ObjectStatePERSISTENT_NEW_DELETED


Static Field javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEventint DELETE

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

(unless it is being deleted before commit). An attempt to call makePersistent(...deleted from the database, its unique ID is never used ... >, because the object is not deleted from the database, just its name is removed. Objects with names

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

the copy and use it to start Explorer. In this way, the edited script will not be deleted ... ), you can copy, cut, paste, delete and rename directories and files. You can also use this dialog ... >You can also delete or rename a selected persistent class using the "Edit | Delete" and the "Edit