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Pessimistic Lock Timeouts setting

>   Willks William This should be a useful feature. I will check ... >) was just added in build 2.2.3_02. Please check the

Replaying recorded requests...

read - you can check it by putting invalid content in the configuration - if no exception is thrown ... is that your configuration file is not read - you can check it by putting invalid content in the configuration

Possible cause for "Enhancement of type ... is old and cannot be used"

have just very carefully checked it with my main (real-world) very large web app. During building ... : objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "") vs. generic

Objectdb recovery

be corrupted. You can check your database file after such events by running the ObjectDB Doctor. checked with your specific application):

@Column length is not working.

>For other constraints, such as non null and length - consider checking relevant fields in a check the length of a field. Is there any other way? 

Activation error on Schema change

.3.7 is more strict in checking this. support Support That explains why I ... > Anyway - thats not a big problem. Activation is quite fast and I did check upgrade on our dev env first :) lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

SSL cannot connect from client StackOverflow error

" is checked, isn't there some option, which I missed on java client side? I read https://www ... > thamal Tomas Hamal > I can connect from Explorer, when "Use SSL" is checked, isn't

Getting Unexpected internal exception when updating entity in MEM db

(which?) Please try and check if the error happens also with the last version. support ... Deepak Kumar Maharana Please check if you still have the issue with the most recent ObjectDB version. support Support

What algorithm in find()

using enhancement and not calling clear. Please check flush, since every entity object in that cache has to be checked against an old

spuriously objectdb objects have null references

> Could you please check the status of the entity objects and these collection fields when this happens using PersistenceUtil?   support Support we checked it and in