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find() cost unreasonable time!

Hi, I make a full binary tree of 4095 node, I check the first 9 node, but the root cost 24 seconds, why? Result: =========== find time @ 24 ... ) protected List<Nodes> Sons; function of checking:

Join query problem with new statetment

" this problem. Only id from both entities cause this exception. Can I somehow check the type ... > Please check ftp for test case and database file - UTC-5. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

Server closes if large query runs out of memory

the number of result objects. If you must support very large query result sets, check ... straightforward and you will have to check its effect on your application. Reducing the number

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

to be attached properly when I check that forum.) CBE CBE CBE CBE I was able ... to check possible faults and fix them, but the soft references to entity objects behaviour

Replication failed

;locking version-check="true" /> <processing cache="128mb" max-threads="10" /> < ... > It is unclear why you get this exception. Check for additional stack traces in the log files

javax.servlet.ServletException: Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. __odbHidden_getPropertyName

> Sorry, i did this check quickly in between other work; for previous build checks I was only working

Eager load Map

build? support Support That's odd... I went back to double check and I'm ... > Checked again and it works with no enhancement as well in my environment, so for now I am closing

Exception on the recovery of a database

you have any problems with the database? Can you check it with the Doctor? support Support checking the cause of the exception. felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot Sure

Enum fields are set to null and embeddable enum class does not show in explorer

the interface (but different package)? itsme Martin Petzold I checked version control.  ... >If I check the explorer, the list entry is still there. However, the type is the interface (not

Negative snapshot user count exception

. If you can check the client side logs, and then find the specific query and context on the client ... . We should check how future versions of ObjectDB can at least produce a better error message in this case