ObjectDB ObjectDB

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How to retrieve the ObjectDB version number?

Hi! We need the ObjectDB version for debug purpose/logging. Our project supports also EclipseLink - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3493495/getting-database-connection-in-pure-jpa-setup With the Connection object the Database name & version can be retrieved. For ObjectDB, which is the best (JPA

Exception when dataset bigger than treshold

="debug" / </general> with these settings, running a query that operates on quite a big number

Help with 'not like/lower' query

that out for sanity purposes with a debug statement. Code: package com.objectdb.forum; import java

Unexpected exception during open the database

can still be logged by setting the "index" logger to "debug" level. support Support The issue occurs

Wrong data stored in date only fileds

. Is this a debug code leftover? Thank you Emil prolancer Emil Andonov Enhanced classes have __odbHidden methods

type.loader java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

With logging enabled in debug level - some 'normal' ClassNotFoundException are written to the log

ODB should auto-restart if it detects it's necessary

and needed a lot of time for debugging and fixing). This is the error I got after adding a new field

Remove a modified entity cause an optimistic lock exception

example, the exception is only caused in our OSGi example. I believe you must debug the OSGi example

JPA Composite Key make Object Db throws "Unexpected exception (Error 990)"

BigInteger I don't know why this cast is made ... i haven't any BigInteger in my app. Well, debugging

Error on commit

DEBUG level logging. As the result of the exception in #1 you should have in the log file lines

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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