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ClassNotFoundException Stack Traces in the Log File

If I turn the log level in objectdb.conf to debug I get a lot of ClassNotFoundException's (see example below). My question is, is there a way ... > It is the normal behavior when using debug level logging globally. But you can decrease

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

the objects in debug I can get see that somewhere inside  nativeEntityManagerFactory=com.objectdb.jpa ... project in eclipse. This should allow you to debug the test project with objectdb.

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

Doctor on a different file? Also, is there any additional debugging that we could enable ... rather than a bug in ObjectDB or a corrupted database file. Therefore, you might be able to debug

ODB lost?

I'm new to ObjectDB. While debugging small programs in single-step mode in NetBeans, the ODB appears to get corrupted or lost if I don't invoke close on EntityManager. If I re-run ... , which is common during debugging (when running the application again without ending the previous run

Enhancement Check

="debug" /> and the names of the classes will be written to the ObjectDB log file ... build 2.7.6_05 and <logger name="type" level="debug" /> is set in the correct configuration

NullpointerException at a normal select

When I run the following code: EntityManager em = getEm(); Customer result = null; try {     logger.debug("Ident: "+ident);   ... "> 09:08:49.496 [http-bio-] DEBUG s.t.c.o.OrganizationService - Ident: default

objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active'

" width="1000"> The full debug logging and stacktrace shows it is happening after @PreDestroy

Weird issue with variable naming

to full path string for query replacing stuff later on as well as this happens during debugging ... after debugging!! thanks for a fast fix, Alex quasado Alexander Adam

DB persist operation results are not available for another Thread/EntityManager immdiately

. We debugged the problem. Thread B executes the query and prints the results to the console, but there are not results. After that the thread stops at a debug break point. We steps

Issue with DISTINCT Select

$3!!! And even worse.. when debugging in eclipse which calls the .toString() of the CriteriaQuery ... for different selections in the same query!! so after debugging the query returns useless